
加州大学洛杉矶分校 职业参与部门计划

2024 - 2025



In the wake of the COVID pandemic, many students are now opting out of college. Enrollments are declining (国家学生信息中心研究中心, 2022), 大学学位的价值认知处于历史最低水平,尤其是对Z世代(ECMC Group)而言, 2022; Fischer, 2022c), 现在美国上大学的人数.S. 此外, 被种族边缘化的和第一代毕业的学生在大学毕业后很难找到工作,而且比享有特权的同龄人挣得少(菲舍尔), 2022b; Manzoni & Streib, 2019). How do we make college relevant to our students' cherished career goals? 课堂上的归属感和相关性如何影响学生的专业形成?

我们知道,大学教育提供的思维习惯与专业的形成有关(菲舍尔), 2022a). 学术院系在向新生展示其学科方面有着既得利益和机会——许多新生表示,他们希望在大学课程中看到明确的职业道路(ECMC Group), 2022).

Is your 加州大学洛杉矶分校 academic department interested in becoming Career-Engaged? “职业参与型部门项目”是全国首个此类项目,是一个为期一年的教师学习社区,需要有公平的思想, critical look at the professional abilities that the workplace will demand from graduates, 包括解决问题, working in a world where AI is increasingly pervasive, 技术交流, 问题诊断, 批判性阅读/写作. 特别鼓励主席参与并支持教师团队,他们将反思并在课堂上建立专业学习.

All Department faculty are encouraged to apply as a team: Chairs, 完整的, 联系, 助理教授, 尤其是讲师.


在两个学期的课程中, 由系内教师组成的团队将共同参与六个工作坊,并完成一个单独的工作坊作业, 参加两次登记会议, 并在课程中创建/嵌入三个团队创建的与职业相关的可交付成果,以证明该课程是“职业参与”的."


在过去十年中, 许多利益相关者, 包括校园和雇主, 有没有尝试过编纂与职业相关的结果(美国学院和大学协会, 2022; 全国大学和雇主协会, 2021). 这些知识, 技能, and dispositions manifest themselves differently in how they apply to student learning. 一般来说, 与职业相关的学习跨越任何单一学科,可以通过有意的课程体验来发展, 不管教授的内容是什么. These competencies anticipate the changing world of work. 此外, 其中许多已经在课堂上出现了,但学生们可能缺乏对这些技能如何发挥作用的认识, 正如他们目前所教的那样, 与社区和工作环境相关.

疫情爆发后,全国加强了对专业学习的讨论. The 加州大学洛杉矶分校 Career-Engaged Departments program uses NACE 2021能力 as a springboard for career learning at 加州大学洛杉矶分校. 2021年NACE能力包括:

  • 职业与自我发展
  • 沟通
  • 批判性思维
  • 公平与包容
  • 领导
  • 专业
  • 团队合作
  • 技术



在整个项目过程中, department teams will participate in 六个车间 in the Career Engaged 教学 series. 以下现场工作坊, faculty teams will complete one individual and three team workshop deliverable assignments. 工作坊包括:

  1. 职业准备学习入门
  2. 小组工作是专业实践
  3. 运用学科价值观进行教学
  4. 解决学科问题
  5. 职业阅读和写作
  6. Considerations for BIPOC 学生 in Career Relevant Courses


This is a department initiative and the department chair’s input is important. Although the chair is not required to be part of the faculty team, 鼓励主席促进系级足彩外围网站课程中职业参与的对话. The chair is encouraged to forward program information to faculty members, 包括讲师, 并帮助组建团队. Chairs and/or dept members are encouraged to identify their team 之前 提交申请. Any faculty member from the department may submit the online application, 前提是所有的团队成员都有名字. 教师 who submit single applications will be referred back to the Chair for clarification.

这个团队可能由一群人组成, 联系, 助理教授, as well as lecturers involved in teaching all levels of the undergraduate curriculum. 来自一个部门的至少五(5)到最多10名教师可以参加,包括那些教授多部分通用电气课程的教师.

Small departments are absolutely encouraged to apply to the program. We will consider a proportional number of faculty relative to department size.

这个项目的一个目标是致力于那些能够达到最大数量学生的课程——通常是讲授的, lower division courses as well as those required of the major. 教员必须提名 两到四道菜, including one lower-division General Education (GE) course. Although the work in the program is focused on specific courses, 该计划的更大目标是促进对话,这些对话可能导致更广泛的变化,帮助学生了解他们的课程如何为他们的未来做准备.

是的! Members of the team are encouraged to teach and revise different courses. 部门团队将共同努力,为提名的课程创建三个职业参与的可交付成果, 这些可交付成果可以作为教师的模板,将其纳入他们教授的其他课程中. 

参与职业参与部门计划需要至少五名(最多十名)教师组成的部门团队. If individual faculty members apply to the program, then the program team will follow-up with the Department Chair. 

(前瞻性思维)参加2022年春季试点的指导员有两种选择:他们可以加入部门团队并完成系列或他们可以自己获得证书. Only faculty who participate with a department team are eligible to earn the team payment.

在2021-2022学年完成工作坊1和工作坊2的教师不需要再次参加工作坊. 然而, 我们强烈鼓励教师再次参加研讨会,这样他们就能收到最新的研讨会内容,这样当他们与部门团队合作时,这些材料就会在他们的脑海中保持新鲜. 

部门团队获得津贴. 每个完成所有项目要求的部门团队成员将在项目结束时获得750美元的工作奖励.

To support faculty in completing this program, Dr. 坦尼娅·萨纳布里亚将主持每周的办公时间. You can also schedule an appointment with her by emailing us at (电子邮件保护).  不参与该项目的教师也可以利用办公时间获得足彩外围网站职业准备课堂作业的反馈或想法, 教育学, 或者工具(e).g.、课程地图、教学大纲).

The 职业参与部门计划 requires attendance at 六个车间 and completion of all deliverable assignments post-workshop. 每个工作坊都提供 多次, at a variety of dates, during the program's duration. 因为工作坊的特点是主动学习, faculty must attend workshops when they are offered, 不能补课吗, and must complete all workshops in order to submit deliverables. 我们强烈鼓励部门团队在接受项目后安排他们的研讨会,这样所有团队成员都知道他们什么时候可以参加研讨会. Current workshop times are found in the Qualtrics application survey.

教师将与他们的同事合作,为他们选择的每门提名课程创建三个团队交付成果:1)Canvas课程基本原理,告诉学生该课程将如何帮助他们发展专业, and why the course matters for future work; 2) a short, classroom routine students will practice regularly that will develop a habit of mind relevant to course outcomes; and, 3) a transparent course assignment that helps students build their job crafting 技能.


Career-Engaged Departments programming is funded by Éxito! 建立足彩外围网站和教师素质, a US Department of Education Developing Hispanic Serving Institutions (DHSI) grant. 该补助金的目标是通过采取以资产为基础和以公平为重点的方法来提高学生的成绩. The Career-Engaged Departments program is offered through AY 2024-25. 欲了解更多信息,请访问Éxito! 建立足彩外围网站和教师素质 DHSI grant, see the homepage


The Career-Engaged Departments program runs September through May of each year. 通过CETL电子邮件寻找电话. For more information about the 职业参与部门计划, please contact CETL at (电子邮件保护)
