

CETL academic technology support is currently offered virtually, via 变焦. Instructors have up to 20 minutes per drop-in to get their questions answered.  


  • 周一 - Thursday: 10:00 am - 4:00 pm (last questions accepted at 4:00 pm)
  • Fridays: 10:00 am - 1:00 pm (last questions accepted at 1:00 pm)

Click here to enter the "Drop In" 虚拟的支持 Room 开放时间内.
可能会有 短暂的 请在进入虚拟支持室时等待.


有什么问题要问我们吗? 请发邮件到 (电子邮件保护) and we will have one of our tech support specialists reach out!

现时电邮服务时间: 周一 -星期五:上午八时至下午五时


(669) 900-6833
会议编号:657-069-713 #
参与者ID: #

有关Canvas的问题,请使用我们的 减少虚拟支持 或者发邮件给 (电子邮件保护) 


We are thrilled to announce the return of our in-person, drop-in support!

我们的专业团队将随时待命 每周二、三上午10时至下午1时 在 图书馆帕尔默翼3074室的CETL附件. No appointment is necessary—just drop by, and one of our specialists will be ready to assist you.


CETL 虚拟支持服务 仍然可用,上午10点至下午4点,上午10点至下午1点.


CETL offers a limited 数量 of in-person consultations with CETL instructional designers. This in-person service is available by appointment 只有 (up to 30 minutes per appointment). 要预约,请到: http://calendly.com/cetltech

常见问题的 & 更多的

如果你是一个没有访问权限的返回讲师, 或者如果你是一个全新的足彩外围网站的教练, please reach out to your department and see if they can help you activate (or reactivate) your 加州大学洛杉矶分校 network account.  Departments should communicate with students regularly if the Canvas course shell is not ready by the start of the term.

Please confirm your course schedule with your department. This is to ensure that no course or department changes have been made. While you wait, please consider building your course in your Canvas Sandbox. You can request a new Sandbox to plan and build your course using the 帆布特殊外壳请求表格.

一旦你进入你的官方课程外壳, you can transfer the contents of your Sandbox to your official Canvas course shell. 查阅 导入及迁移课程 浏览更多信息.

注意: The Sandbox should 只有 be used for designing and building a draft of your course. 请不要在你的沙箱里招收学生!

请参阅 Canvas guide on copying content from another Canvas course for instructions on copying course content from one Canvas shell to another.

Yes: every instructor is provided an extra Canvas course, called a Sandbox. When you log into Canvas, look for it on your Dashboard. Typically the Sandbox is used to explore and experiment with Canvas. 方法请求额外的沙盒 帆布特殊外壳请求表格.

Later, you can transfer the content of your Sandbox to your live Fall course. 查阅 导入及迁移课程 浏览更多信息.

请参阅 Canvas guide on publishing and unpublishing modules for information on making content available to students, and making sure that each activity in the module has also been published.

请参阅 设置课程 浏览更多信息 on making your Canvas course visible.

If the two sections are officially cross-listed, then you may complete the 画布交叉列表请求表单 将这些部分组合起来.

注意: 此表格应 只有 be used if you need to combine official University cross-listed courses into a single course shell. 请注意,由于FERPA的规定, courses that are not officially cross-listed and do not meet in the same class period and room location CANNOT be combined into a metacourse. 这样做是对学生隐私的侵犯.

If you need to have the same content in multiple sections, you can now easily copy course material from one to multiple courses in Canvas using the 复制内容功能.

Class announcement(s) can be sent after the course is Published to 只有 those students in each individual course. 请参阅我们的 公告 浏览更多信息.

Dashes (-) in your Canvas gradebook represent missing submissions and are not the same as a zero (0). Canvas will NOT calculate a dash (-) into a student’s total grade. For information on handling missing submissions, please 请参阅我们的支持页面 确保学生的最终成绩准确无误.

We are able to extend course access for specific students if they need to work on an incomplete. 我们需要课程名称, 数量, 和部分, 以及这门课的授课学期, and the name(s) of the student(s) working on the incomplete. 请填写我们的 Canvas未完成课程访问请求表格 提供所需的信息.

Yes, starting July 2021 these times are the planned maintenance window for Canvas. Maintenance windows: 1st and 3rd Thursday of the month from 1am to 3am (Thursday from 8am to 10am UTC)

请参阅 管理分组讨论室的放大指南 了解更多信息.

请参阅 虚拟背景的缩放指南 获取更多帮助和信息.

Canvas has updated the Rich Content Editor to the "New Rich Content Editor.“看看 最新Canvas消息. 此外,我们还有 指南和新的富内容编辑器常见问题解答页面 您可以访问以获取更多信息.

一旦你发布了一个测试,你可以给学生(e).g., students who need OSD accommodations) extra time on your quiz. 请参阅 Canvas guide on giving students extra time on a published quiz 获取更多帮助和信息.

Use Canvas 公告 to notify your students of any schedule changes to live 变焦 meeting sessions. 请参阅我们的 公告 浏览更多信息.