What to Expect at a Conduct Hearing

CSU Executive Order (EO) 1098 outlines the hearing proceedings in detail. Please review it carefully before the hearing. Below is a general overview of what to expect at a student conduct hearing.

  1. The hearing is closed to everyone but you, 你的顾问, a student conduct administrator, 他们的顾问, 聆讯主任, 和 one person to record the hearing.
  2. Both a student conduct administrator 和 you may present witnesses to support their position. Witnesses will come in one by one 和 are only in the room while being questioned.
  3. Both you 和 a student conduct administrator may enter evidence (written statements, 图片, 视频, 短信, 警察的备忘录, 等.)。. Remove or blackout personally-identifying information (such as other students' names, 身份号码, 地址, 等.) Please number your evidence to assist 聆讯主任.
  4. You may bring an advisor. Review Executive Order 1098, Article II.C to underst和 who may serve as an advisor. The advisor may provide advice to you but may not speak or speak for you. You may confer with 你的顾问 by asking for a break in order to speak outside the hearing room. Alternatively, if permitted by 聆讯主任, you may whisper 和/or exchange notes.

  1. A student conduct administrator will give an opening statement in support of the University’s position on the matter 和 will submit evidence.
  2. You will give an opening statement in support of your position 和 submit evidence.
  3. A student conduct administrator will call their witnesses into the room one by one. She will ask the witness questions. When she finishes, you may ask the witness questions.
  4. After a student conduct administrator presents all of her witnesses, you will present your witnesses. You will ask questions of your witnesses 和 then a student conduct administrator may ask questions.
  5. The Hearing Officer may ask questions of any witness.
  6. After all the witnesses, a student conduct administrator will give a closing statement with 推荐的制裁.
  7. You will then give a closing statement with 推荐的制裁 (if any).
  8. The Hearing Officer will close the hearing.

  1. 10个工作天内, 聆讯主任 will submit a report to the President’s designee (currently the Vice President of Student Life). The report will outline what happened at the hearing, if, by the preponderance of the evidence, 聆讯主任 found that there was a violation(s), 和, 如果是这样的话, 推荐的制裁.
  2. Where a finding of no violation is made, 聆讯主任 will submit a report to the Vice President for Student Life 和 the campus will inform the parties.
  3. If a violation of policy is found, then 聆讯主任 will ask the parties to submit an impact statement regarding suggested disciplinary outcomes 和 information that they believe is important for 聆讯主任 to consider.
  4. After reviewing the statements, 聆讯主任 will recommend sanctions 和 notify the campus, which will then notify the parties.
  5. Any party who is not satisfied with the hearing outcome may file a written appeal with the CSU Chancellor’s Office.

  1. 检查 Student Conduct 程序 (第1098号行政命令).
  2. Write notes about what you intend to say in your opening 和 closing statements.
  3. Consider what evidence you would like to present to back up your position 和 prepare copies for the hearing officer.
  4. Consider possible witnesses that will help you support your position. Ask them well in advance if they can attend the hearing 和 prepare them for what will happen at the hearing.
  5. Consider who might best support you at the hearing as 你的顾问. Ask them well in advance if they can attend the hearing. Explain to 你的顾问 what their role is 和 what they can/can’t do during the hearing. Discuss how you will communicate during the hearing.
  6. 思考, 写下, potential questions to ask both your witnesses 和 potential witnesses that a student conduct administrator may call.
  7. The hearing can last up to three hours. Clear your schedule so that you can be there the whole time.
  8. If the hearing is held in person, there will be water bottles, 便笺簿, 笔, 和 extra copies of EO 1098 at the hearing for the participant's use. If the hearing is held over Zoom, 有一瓶水吗, 笔和纸, 你的笔记, 和 any other materials that you need, 近在咫尺.