Faculty Publications, 2010-present


Emily Acevedo, “Gender-Based Violence and Femicide in Mexico: Why Is the Law Failing to Protect Mexico’s Women?” In D. Peterson & D. Zhang, eds. International Responses to Interpersonal Violence: Gender-Specific and Socio-Cultural Approaches (Routledge, 2021)


Emily Acevedo and Alexandra Lazar, “Active Learning and Interpersonal Skills Development among First-Generation College Students,” International Studies Perspectives (August 2021)

Chongmyoung Lee, "Understanding the Diverse Performance Measures of Nonprofits: A Quantitative Study of Performance Measurement Adoption," Public Performance & Management Review (April 2021)

Chongmyoung Lee, "Factors Influencing the Credibility of Performance Measurement in Nonprofits," 《足彩外围网站》 (February 2021)

Timothy C. Lim,“走向韩国的多元文化国家”? 《足彩外围网站》,迈克尔·韦纳主编., 劳特利奇亚洲种族和民族手册  (Routledge, 2021)

Timothy C. Lim and Changzoo Song, "Editors’ Introduction: Socio-Cultural and Political Changes in South Korea through a Discursive Lens," 国际韩国历史杂志 (August 2021).

Timothy C. Lim and Changzoo Song, "Ideas, Discourse, and the Microfoundations of South Korea’s Diasporic Engagement: Explaining the Institutional Embrace of Ethnic Koreans Since the 1990s," 国际韩国历史杂志 (August 2021).

Lim book

Timothy C. Lim, 韩国的多元文化之路:思想, Discourse, 以及单一民族国家的制度变迁 (伦敦和纽约:劳特利奇出版社,2021年)

Timothy C. Lim, "Challenging the ‘Hierarchy of Nationhood’: Diasporic Entitlement and the Case of Korean Chinese (Chosŏnjok) in South Korea,” with Changzoo Song, forthcoming in European Journal of Korean Studies.

Timothy C. 韩国的困境:“同质化社会”中的外国工人,Lim,“ Georgetown Journal of Asian Affairs (July 2021) 


Gabrielle Clark, "The Southern and Western Prehistory of 'Liberty of Contract': Revisiting the Path to Lochner in Light of the New History of American Capitalism," American Journal of Legal History (September 2020)

Xian Gao with Tao Chen, Wenshan Guo, and Zhehao Lianga, "AI-based Self-Service Technology in Public Service Delivery: User Experience and Influencing Factors," Government Information Quarterly (August 2020)

Gar Culbert, 美国政治权力的活力 (大河学习:迪比克,2020年)


Chongmyoung Lee, " Understanding the Diverse Purposes of Performance Information Use in Nonprofits: An Empirical Study of Factors Influencing the Use of Performance Measures," 公共表现及管理检讨 (April 2019)

Timothy C. Lim, “’It’s Not Just Talk’: Ideas, Discourse, 以及同质民族国家转型变革的前景,” Asian Ethnicity (December 2019)

Timothy C. Lim, Dong-Hoon Seol, and Atsuko Sato, “’Neither Fish nor Fowl’: An Examination of South Korea’s Diaspora Engagement Policies,津田武之和宋昌园, eds., Diasporic Returns to the Homeland: The Korean Diaspora in Comparative Perspective (Palgrave McMillan, 2019)

McLendon book

Michael McLendon, 不平等心理:卢梭的“自尊” (费城:宾夕法尼亚大学出版社,2019)

Marla Parker, Laurie Mook, L., Chen-Yu Kao, & Alex Murdock, "Accountability and Relationship-Definition Among Food Banks Partnerships,"国际志愿和非营利组织杂志 (September 2019)

Gar Culbert and Alexandra J. 拉扎尔,《一组特殊的情况:鲁达vs. 加州第48届国会选区的罗拉巴克(Rohrabacher). Adkins and David A. Dulio. eds., 国会竞选中的案例:分裂的决定 (Routledge: New York, 2019)

Marla Parker and Dimitri Seals, 政治学导论:公民与社会创新(Great River Learning, 2019)


Taylor Dark, "Partisan Polarization and Political Access: Labor Unions and the Presidency," Interest Groups & Advocacy (May 2018)

Jessica DeShazo:“公众呢? The Role of Government in the Creation of Public Art in Berlin from the Third Reich to Today,” The International Journal of Social, Political, and Community Agendas in the Arts (September 2018).

Timothy Lim and Dong-Hoon Seoul, “Explaining South Korea’s Diaspora Engagement Policies,” Development & Society (December 2018)

玛拉·帕克和丽莎·特纳·德维拉, "Intro Essay: Setting the Stage for Highlighting Work in Cultural Competency Pedagogy," eJournal of Public Affairs (August 2018).

Marla Parker and Christoper Hayter, “Factors that Influence the Transition of University Postdocs to Non-Academic Scientific Careers: An Exploratory Study,” Research Policy (October 2018)

玛拉·帕克和巴里·博兹曼,《作为公共价值领域的社交媒体》, Public Integrity (March 2018)

Barry Bozeman, Jan Youtie, Eriko Fukumoto, and Marla Parker, “When is Science Used in Science Policy? Examining the Importance of Scientific and Technical Information in National Research Council Reports,” Review of Policy Research (December 2018)

April Jackson, Marla A. 帕克,丽莎·特纳·德维拉,伊维斯·加西亚,蒂莎·霍姆斯,艾伦·肖 & Christina Medina, "Moving the Needle: Early Findings on Faculty Approaches to Integrate Culturally Competent Pedagogy into Educational Spaces," eJournal of Public Affairs (August 2018)

Marla Parker and Ellen Shiau, "Cultural Competency in Public Human Resource Management: Handling Bureaucratic Discretion in an Age of Cultural Pluralism," in Ali Farazmand, ed., 全球公共管理百科全书, Public Policy and Governance (New York: Springer, 2018)

Ellen Shiau, "Coalition Building in Los Angeles," in Marion Orr and Domingo Morel, eds., Latino Mayors: Power and Polit后工业城市的政治变迁 (费城:坦普尔大学出版社,2018)


Chongmyoung Lee and Richard Clerkin, "Exploring the Use of Outcome Measures in Human Service Nonprofits: Combining Agency, Institutional, 和组织能力视角," 公共表现及管理检讨 (March 2017)

Chongmyoung Lee and Richard Clerkin, "The Adoption of Outcome Measures in Human Service Nonprofits," 公共与非营利事务杂志 (July 2017)

Timothy C. Lim,“韩国的多元文化之路”,-乔治敦国际事务杂志 (October 2017)


lim book

Timothy C. Lim, Doing Comparative Politics: An Introduction to Approaches and Issues, 3rd edition (科罗拉多州博尔德:Lynne Rienner出版社,2016年)

REDD book

杰西卡·德沙索,钱德拉·拉尔·潘迪,还有扎卡里·A. Smith, Why REDD Will Fail (New York: Routledge, 2016)

斯图尔特·布莱特施奈德和玛拉·帕克, "Organization Formalization, Sector and Social Media: Does Increased Standardization of Policy Broaden and Deepen Social Media Use in Organizations?" Government Information Quarterly (October 2016)

Martin J. Adamian,《足彩外围网站》 全球公共管理、公共政策和治理百科全书 (Springer 2016)

Emily Acevedo和Atsuko Sato,《为什么要采取集体行动? 解释社会运动的兴起”,Timothy C. Lim, Doing Comparative Politics: An Introduction to Approaches and Issues, 3rd edition (科罗拉多州博尔德:Lynne Rienner出版社,2016年)


Developing Civic Engagement book

杰西卡·德扎索和扎卡里·史密斯主编., 在城市公共艺术项目中发展公民参与 (Lanham, MD: Rowman and Littlefield, 2015)

Jessica DeShazo and Zachary Smith, 《脆弱的沙漠:管理大盆地的环境危机," in Dennis R. Judd and Stephanie L. Witt, eds., Cities, Sagebrush, and Solitude: Urban Change and Cultural Conflict in the Great Basin (内华达州里诺:内华达大学出版社,2015年)

Chongmyoung Lee and Branda Newell, 非营利组织绩效评估框架," American Journal of Evaluation (August 2014)

Ellen Shiau, Juliet Musso和jeffery M. Sellers, "Change Afoot: Neighborhood Politics in the Post-Industrial City" in Clarence N. Stone and Robert P. Stoker, eds., Urban Neighborhoods in a New Era: Revitalization Politics in the Postindustrial City (芝加哥:芝加哥大学出版社,2015)

Ellen Shiau, Juliet Musso和jeffery M. Sellers, "City Fragmentation and Neighborhood Connections: The Political Dynamics of Community Revitalization in Los Angeles." in Clarence N. Stone and Robert P. Stoker, eds., Urban Neighborhoods in a New Era: Revitalization Politics in the Postindustrial City (芝加哥大学出版社,2015)

Michael McLendon, 《卢梭之后的公意:托克维尔的案例,大卫·雷·威廉姆斯和詹姆斯·法尔的文章, eds. 《共同意志:一个概念的演变 (剑桥:剑桥大学出版社,2015)

Gar Culbert, Michael Pomirchy, and Raphael Sonenshein, “Determinants of Political Participation in Urban Politics: A Los Angeles Case Study,” 加州公共政策杂志 (2015)

Gar Culbert,“在总统初选中实现‘战略性’投票”, Rationality and Society (April 2015)

Timothy C. Lim, “Late Migration, Discourse, 韩国多元文化政治:一个比较的视角,” in John Lie, ed., Multiethnic Korea? Multiculturalism, Migration, and Peoplehood: Diversity in Contemporary South Korea (加州大学伯克利分校东亚研究所,2015年)

Heidi R. Riggio, R. Priscilla Lui, Amber L. Garcia, Brigitte K. Matthies, Gar Culbert, and Jessica Bailey, “Initial Validation of a Self-Report Measure of Perceptions of Interpersonal Attraction,” in 个性与个体差异 (February 2015) 

Timothy C. Lim and David Haines, “韩国人对多元文化主义的探索”,” in Yuk Wah Chan, David Haines, Jonathan H. X. Lee, eds., 亚洲移民时代:连续性、多样性和易感性 (剑桥学者出版社,2015年)



Timothy C. Lim, 东亚政治:解释变化与连续性 (Lynne Rienner Publishers, 2014)

Timothy C. Lim, “Migrant Korean Women in the US Commercial Sex Industry: An Examination of the Causes and Dynamics of Cross-Border Sexual Exploitation,” 性别研究杂志 (2014)

Timothy C. Lim, International Political Economy: An Introduction to Approaches, Regimes, and Issues •由Saylor基金会(Saylor . Foundation)出版的开源教科书.org, 2014)

迈克尔·麦克伦登,《卢梭与最小自我:对……问题的解决 Amour-Propre,” 欧洲政治理论杂志 (July 2014)


Emily Acevedo, "State Building and Development: How Mexico’s Past Still Matters to its Present," Mexican Studies/Estudios Mexicanos (Summer 2013)

Michael McLendon, 《酸葡萄的政治:萨特, Elster, and Tocqueville on Frustration, Failure, and Self-Deception,” Review of Politics (Spring 2013)

John S. 苏格拉底的考验:普罗泰哥拉310a-314b 解读:《政治哲学杂志》 (Fall 2013).


Taylor E. Dark,“工会与民主党”,David Coates主编. 《足彩外围网站》 (Oxford University Press, 2012)

Timothy C. Lim, “韩国作为一个‘普通’国家:工业化。, 民主与移民政治,” 民族与移民研究杂志 (March 2012)

Gregg Santori, "Sula and the Sociologist: Toni Morrison on American Biopower after Civil Rights," Theory & Event (January 2012)


Taylor E. Dark,“经济危机与有组织的劳工:对团结的怨恨”, New Political Science (December 2011)

Taylor E. 黑暗,“自由党、工党和政党政府”, Polity (July 2011)


Timothy C. Lim, 重新思考韩国的归属感:跨国移民, ‘Migrant Marriages,和多元文化主义的政治,” Pacific Affairs (Special Issue), (March 2010)

Timothy C. Lim, Doing Comparative Politics: An Introduction to Approaches and Issues, Second Edition (Lynne Rienner Publishers, 2010)