The NASA DIRECT-STEM Program has an overarching goal of recruiting highly competitive, historically under-represented students, giving them direct NASA research experience in scientific computing and data analysis, and inspiring them to become future leaders in STEM-related professions.  We are currently on our 6th year of no-cost extension to graduate our last cohort of research students.



  • 招聘极具竞争力的员工, historically under-represented students, giving them direct NASA research experience in scientific computing and data analysis
  • To inspire our students to become future leaders in STEM-related professions
  • To encourage the exchange of intellectual and human resources pertaining to NASA-related research; expanding research and educational capacity and infrastructure 足彩外围网站 and beyond
  • To increase collaborative research projects among 加州大学洛杉矶分校, NASA中心, 研究型大学, 其他教育团体, 和行业.
  • To promote STEM literacy to communities in the greater Los Angeles Basin.

Accomplishments During the 5 years

  • We graduated 102 students (79% are students of color; 95% are first-generation and/or immigrants and/or low income) who completed at least one direct research project related to NASA missions and worked at one of the three NASA中心 of JPL, 埃姆斯, 和阿姆斯特朗.  25名学生获得了博士学位.D. program with a full scholarship package, 8 are full-time employees at one of these NASA中心, and many went on to competitive professional jobs in private and public sectors.
  • We had 316 unique students completed our 1-year data science and coding workshop series (Python and Unix Operation Environment).  Many of them had research experiences with their faculty, REU centers across the country, or international research facilities.
  • We produced 89+ peer-reviewed publications by our faculty and students.
  • We secured an additional over $3 million in funding to support students' research
  • We supported 3 science education Ed.D. candidates and trained 193 science teachers and indirectly impacted 16,947 middle-to-high school students.  



A message from DIRECT-STEM (2021 Summer:

We would like to congratulate all of our students this year who completed the pre-trainee program! This was our biggest pre-trainee cohort to date and it was filled with wonderfully dedicated students. We wish you all the best and hope that you continue to expand your computing skills! 


We would like to thank our faculty, Dr. Nerenberg,博士. 刘博士和. Zhong for creating the curriculum and leading the workshops. We would also like to thank our TA’s for all of their help this year. 特别感谢, to the Extreme Science and Engineering Discovery Environment (XSEDE) team for their support and teamwork this semester. With their help we were able to transition our last two workshops online due to the COVID-19 crisis. 


We would also like to congratulate all of our research students graduating this semester. You have been one of our most diverse and dedicated group of students. We wish you all the best in the next chapter of your lives! 


2020 Graduating Student Placements

Christian Pelayo – Will pursue a Ph.D. in Climate Science at Scripts Institute of Oceanography 

Antonio Magana-Ceballos – Accepted a Mechanics Engineer position at Northrop Grumman  

Chelsy Salas – Will pursue a Ph.D. 在美国. 伊利诺伊州厄巴纳-香槟分校

Daniel Chou – Accepted a position at JPL

Eduardo “Ricky” Vargas – Accepted a position at NASA’s Ames Research Center 

Jessica Kromer – Will pursue a Ph.D. at Pennsylvania State University

Sara Johnson – Will pursue a Ph.D. 在俄亥俄州立大学 

Nikita Aggarwal – Will pursue MS 计算机科学 足彩外围网站

贾斯汀·韦斯特——将攻读硕士学位 计算机科学 足彩外围网站

Luyi Ren – Accepted a position at JPL

Mariam Ayad – Will pursue a Ph.D. in Ocean Science at UC Santa Cruz

Edgar Chavez - Will pursue MS in Structural Engineering at Cal Poly Pomona

Gabriela Alvarado - Will pursue MS 计算机科学 足彩外围网站

Isaac Cano - Accepted a Software Engineer position at Northrop Grumman, Mission Systems

大卫·桑将继续攻读硕士学位n计算机科学 足彩外围网站

Joe Rosalez - Will pursue MS in Engineering at Cal Poly Pomona

Joseph Iorio - Accepted an internship to full-time position at SpaceX


If you haven’t already please join our LinkedIn group to stay in touch,







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XSEDE's successful advanced computing training partnership with Cal State Los Angeles NASA DIRECT-STEM Program


Read XSEDE's Newsletter Spotlight:

Thank you to Linda Akli (XSEDE) and Rosalia Gomez (TACC) for helping us coordinate this partnership with XSEDE!