American 演讲-Language-听力 Association

The American 演讲-Language-听力 Association (ASHA), 成立于1925年, 是一个国家自愿会员协会,其主要科学和专业重点是人类沟通行为和障碍. 根据协会章程, 第二条, the purposes of the American 演讲-Language-听力 Association are to:

•鼓励对人类个体交流过程的基础科学研究,特别是对语言的研究, 语言, 听力, 以及相关的疾病;


• promote the acquisition of new knowledge and skills for those within the discipline;

•促进调查, 预防, and the diagnosis and treatment of disorders of human communication 以及相关的疾病;

• foster improvement of clinical services and intervention procedures concerning such disorders;

• stimulate the exchange of information among persons and organizations and disseminate such information;

• inform the public about communication sciences and disorders, 相关疾病, and the professionals who provide services;

• advocate on behalf of persons with communication 以及相关的疾病;

• promote the individual and collective professional interests of the members of the Association.

Council on Academic 认证 in Audiology and 演讲-Language Pathology

文学硕士(M.A.) education program in speech-语言 pathology (residential) at California State University, 洛杉矶是由美国语言听力协会的听力学和语言病理学学术认证委员会认证的, 研究大道2200号,310号, 洛克维尔,马里兰州20850, 800-498-2071 or 301-296-5700

1月1日生效, 1996, 教育标准委员会被听力学和语言病理学学术认证委员会(CAA)所取代。, 负责监督培养听力学和语言病理学入门级专业人员的研究生教育项目的认证(LC 25-94), LC 26-94, LC 27-94, 及LC 28-96 [PDF]). 民航局负责建立, 定义, 监控, and implementing accreditation of graduate education programs. “Graduate” refers to post-baccalaureate programs leading to a master's or doctoral degree, whether offered through graduate or professional schools. The charge to the CAA by act of the Legislative Council (LC 26-94) is to:


• evaluate programs that voluntarily apply for accreditation,

• grant certificates and recognize those programs deemed to have fulfilled requirements for accreditation,

• maintain a registry of holders of such certificates,

• prepare and furnish to appropriate persons and agencies lists of accredited programs.


ARTICLE VIII - Professional Standards and Ethics

8.2 Council on Academic 认证 in Audiology and 演讲-Language Pathology

该协会, 通过董事会的行动, shall establish and maintain a program of academic accreditation. 协会设立听力学及言语语言病理学学术评审委员会(CAA), 研究生教育项目的认证标准由谁来确定,并在研究生教育项目的认证中适用这些标准. The CAA may also develop standards and processes for approval for programs that prepare support personnel. CAA的成员应按照CAA制定的政策任命,并拥有制定学术认证标准和程序的最终权力. Subject to the application of established appeal procedures, the decisions of the CAA concerning the award, 扣缴, or withdrawal of academic accreditation shall be final.

A. Role and Value of 认证 in the Professions

美国语言听力协会(ASHA)对认证的兴趣是基于这样一种信念,即所有向公众提供服务的职业都有义务确保, 尽可能地, that services provided by its members are of high professional quality. 履行这一义务的一种有效方法是建立适当的教育质量标准,并公开确定达到或超过这些标准的教育项目. 认证 is intended to protect the interests of students, 造福大众, 提高教学质量, 学习, 研究, 和专业实践. 通过其认证标准, the accrediting body encourages institutional freedom, ongoing improvement of institutions of higher education and graduate education programs, 健全的教育实验, 建设性创新.

The accreditation process involves evaluating programs in light of their own mission, goals and education models—judging the degree to which a program has achieved those goals and objectives. 因此, the CAA does not explicitly prescribe the processes by which the program’s outcomes should be reached; rather, 它评估一个项目在实现与其既定使命(包括宗教使命)一致的结果和目标方面的成功, 如果相关). If a program’s goals and education model are clearly and accurately described, 这个项目所服务的不同“公众”应该能够对项目的质量和它所教育的学生的资格做出明智和知情的决定.

B. CAA认证的好处

公众可以放心,听力学和语言病理学的认证课程经过了广泛的评估,并符合专业制定的标准. 学生可以确定那些符合他们选择的职业标准的高质量教育的教育项目. 认证为学生提供了保证,研究生教育项目提供的学术和临床教育将为他们进入专业领域做好准备. 例如, 听力学和语言病理学临床能力证书(CCC)的ASHA标准和实施程序要求申请人从caa认可的项目获得研究生学位, which automatically satisfies the academic and clinical practicum requirements for the CCC. 类似的, caa认证课程的毕业生将准备满足州许可和/或州教师认证要求, if these elements are included in the program goals. 学院和大学受益于认证过程提供的自我评价和自我导向改进的激励. 这些专业受益于其成员对未来专业人员研究生教育标准的重要投入.

C. Complaints Against Graduate Education Programs

A complaint about any accredited program or program in candidacy status may be submitted by any individual(s).


Complaints about programs must meet all of the following criteria:

a. 反对认可的听力学或语言病理学研究生教育课程或候选资格课程;

b. 涉及听力学和言语语言病理学入门级研究生教育课程认证标准, including the relationship of the complaint to the accreditation standards;

c. 被清楚地描述, including the specific nature of the charge and the data to support the charge;

d. 在以下规定的时间内完成:

• if the complaint is being filed by a graduate or former student, 或者是前教职员工, the complaint must be filed within one year of separation* from the program, even if the conduct occurred more than 4 years prior to the date of filing the complaint;

• if the complaint is being filed by a current student or faculty member, the complaint must be filed as soon as possible, but no longer than 4 years after the date the conduct occurred;

• if the complaint is being filed by other complainants, the conduct must have occurred at least in part within 4 years prior to the date the complaint is filed.

*注:适用于毕业生, 以前的学生, or former faculty or staff filing a complaint, 离职日期应为个人不再被视为研究生课程的学生或雇员的日期.e., 毕业, 辞职, official notice of withdrawal or termination), and after any institutional grievance or other review processes have been concluded.

Complaints also must meet the following submission requirements:

a. 包括验证, if the complaint is from a student or faculty/instructional staff member, 投诉人在向民航局提交投诉之前,已经用尽了所有相关的机构申诉和审查机制;

b. 包括投诉人的姓名, address, 以及电话联系方式和投诉人与项目的关系,以便认可办公室工作人员核实信息的来源;

c. 签署并以书面形式提交至美国.S. mail, overnight courier, or hand delivery—not via e-mail or as a facsimile—to :

Chair, Council on Academic 认证 in Audiology and 演讲-Language Pathology

American 演讲-Language-听力 Association



The complainant’s burden of proof is a preponderance, or greater weight, of the evidence. 这些程序并不妨碍CAA考虑对被认可或候选项目的投诉,如果该项目涉及第三方的诉讼或其他行动.