
教师关注的焦点。 珍妮·迪马索教授

Jeanine DiTomasso教授摄

这是迪马索教授, a director of development at a neighborhood music school in Boyle Heights and a Lecturer at 加州大学洛杉矶分校. Professor Ditomasso currently teaches youth agency administration (YAA) and will lead the same course in the Fall. She looks forward to connecting with students just beginning their careers to set a foundation for their next step in the field. She mentioned her favorite part of teaching at 加州大学洛杉矶分校 was the students and opening up discussions about real challenges they are experiencing in non-profits and learning from each other. Professor DiTomasso encourages students interested in YAA to advocate for themselves and have patience. Professor DiTomasso suggests those interested in non-profit organizations be confident in their skills and believe in the organization's mission. 在迪马索教授的空闲时间, 她喜欢野营, 烹饪, 徒步旅行, 和家人一起探索加州. We encourage you to contact Professor DiTomasso to learn more about her journey.

校友关注: 马里亚纳戈麦斯

Dr. 马里亚纳戈麦斯 Spotlight Graphic

Mariana graduated from 加州大学洛杉矶分校 with her BA in 2017 and her MA in 2019 in 儿童及家庭研究. Mariana was inspired to pursue a master’s degree because her family worked hard and told her to go for her dreams and be her best. 此外,Dr。. Kouyoumdjian非常支持她,并对她抱有很高的期望, 是什么激励她在项目中做到最好. Mariana chose to pursue child development because she was passionate about providing quality education for all children. Once Mariana graduated, she became a preschool teacher and a preschool director. Mariana loves her position because it has challenged her differently and shows her more behind the scenes when running the center. 玛丽安娜对一个导演有这么多不同的角色感到惊讶, 比如商业方面的中心. 玛丽安娜目前正在和约翰博士一起写一篇研究论文. Kouyoumdjian和Dr. Morales-Chicas, researching mentoring for Latinos in STEM and what they experienced from early childhood up to higher education.

玛丽安娜认为,在这个节目中, try your best to be in the moment and enjoy it because you are only pursuing your education for a short period. She also encourages students to ask many questions and get to know their professors because they are very supportive and involved in many different research interests that can bring opportunities. 例如,因为她认识了. Kouyoumdjian, 她可以加入一个研究实验室, 做研究生助理, 并成为CHDV Connect的学生大使. 玛丽安娜建议,一旦有人毕业, it is essential to keep in touch with peers and professors because you may need a letter of recommendation or help knowing when there is a hiring position. During her free time, Mariana likes to listen to podcasts and audiobooks. 她还喜欢徒步旅行和随拉丁音乐跳交际舞. 有一段时间, Mariana loved dancing so much that she wanted to be a dance major and learned seven different dance forms. Mariana would describe herself as friendly, helpful, and dedicated. We encourage you to contact Mariana to learn more about her journey.

学生关注的焦点: 安东尼Aguayo


这是安东尼·阿瓜约, a current undergraduate student in the 儿童及家庭研究 Department at 加州大学洛杉矶分校. 高中毕业后, Anthony went to East Los Angeles College (ELAC) to major in Child Development which further propelled his desire to try harder. 在投身儿童发展事业之前, 安东尼因与孩子们的互动而受到称赞. Anthony is very good with children and maintained patience when he volunteered at parks and recreation programs with elementary children. 在ELAC, he completed 200 fieldwork hours at a daycare where he would observe, 给幼儿朗读, 还有零食时间. 上学期间, Anthony started as a substitute teacher; through his work ethic and dedication to students, he is now working as a Special Education Assistant at that same high school within Los Angeles Unified School District. In this role, he helps teachers with lesson plans and works with students in person or via Zoom. This current job has made him realize his desire to continue to pursue a career in special education, 特别是在高中, 因为他喜欢和这些人一起工作.  

足彩外围网站, Anthony explained that his favorite assignment he completed was an assignment in the course 3210 Urban Families and Resilience with Dr. Benavides. 在这个课堂上, he did a community-based project and took pictures of positive and negative factors within the city and searched for resources. Anthony has maintained a high GPA where he hopes to get at least a 3.本学期结束后. 他给学生的建议是与教授交流, which he explains is crucial to understand the material and pass your classes. 即使你太害羞而不敢参与课堂, there are always office hours that he highly recommends students to attend because it helped him be successful. Anthony is expected to graduate in Spring 2021 and is applying to the MA program in the 儿童及家庭研究 Department at 加州大学洛杉矶分校. 他选择申请足彩外围网站,因为他喜欢这个项目, 他喜欢教授们总是在那里督促他, 提供反馈, 并激励他继续努力. He gets his motivation to pursue higher education from his stepson. He hopes to be a positive role model for him and to be able to help provide for his family financially. Anthony would describe himself as having a lot of patience, being attentive, and honest. Anthony enjoys going on bike rides with his stepson, working out, and going on hikes. A fun fact about Anthony would be that he enjoys 烹饪 and he most recently learned how to make Vietnamese fried rice. If you see Anthony in one of your courses, don’t hesitate to say hi!