Give to ECST

ECST Scholarship winners smile posing outdoors.

The College of Engineering, Computer Science, 和技术(ECST)提供认可的民用项目, electrical, and mechanical engineering; computer science; and industrial technology, 以及加州唯一一所航空管理方面的公立大学, fire protection administration, and graphic communication. 我们有3000多个本科专业和350多名研究生. 我们严谨的课程为学生在竞争激烈的就业市场中获得广泛成功的技术和管理职业做好准备.

Funding Priorities

Support the College of Engineering, Computer Science & Technology's mission to Commit to excellence. Engage in community.  To make an immediate gift, simply complete our secure online giving form. It's easy, safe, and convenient.

通过同侪辅导和社区转型增加动力.A. (IMPACT LA)是一个ECST社区参与的课程项目,让我们的学生走出课堂,进入当地社区,与组织合作,解决已确定的需求. Students use their Community Cultural Wealth and 运用他们的课堂知识为组织和他们所服务的人设计和构建解决方案. 

IMPACT LA PROVIDES 足彩外围网站的学生有多种参与方式.

  • 通过不同的ECST项目提供同侪辅导机会,
  • 非正式的机会,通过金鹰制造者学生俱乐部
  • 更正式的学习机会可以通过三个新的选修课程——“以人为本的设计技能”," "Community Problem-Solving Projects," and "Build Your Career."

Learn More About IMPACT LA

For more information about IMPACT LA, please contact Dean Nancy Warter-Perez at [email protected] or Mechanical Engineering Professor Chris Bachman at [email protected].


大学预科和一年级课程旨在激励和加强学生对工程的参与, computer science, and technology, 建立坚实的基础,发展大学社区. 我们邀请您探索加速计划项目.

  • Summer Transition to ECST Program (STEP) 通过促进从高中到大学的过渡,为所有工程预科和计算机科学预科新生在足彩外围网站的课程学习中取得成功做好准备, 加强和发展数学技能,以满足ECST专业的要求, and building community. Students meet other students in their college, connect with ECST student organizations, obtain general information about the campus, 并开始与他们的学术顾问和教职员工建立关系. More About STEP.
  • ECST First-Year Experience (FYrE@ECST) 是一个第一年的队列项目,为学生提供技能和支持,使他们在ECST取得持续的成功. Launched in 2015, FYrE@ECST通过实践工程支持学生的保留和成功, physics, and computing courses, 学生有机会通过分组安排与队列小组建立持久的关系, 以及专门的员工顾问和同伴导师,以确保核心课程的卓越性. More About FYrE@ECST.
  • 数学,工程,科学,成就学校计划(MESA-MSP) 为大学预科学生提供STEM领域的大学和职业探索. Industry partners such as Boeing, JPL, and the Department of Water and Power, to name a few, 与MESA合作,赞助南加州大学的活动,以推动学生在STEM领域的多样性和成就. 动手活动和研讨会为大学预科学生提供了一个了解STEM职业和了解高等教育的机会, campus life, 并有机会与大学生和专业导师互动. Visit Cal State LA MESA. More About MESA-MSP at Cal State LA.
  • LAunchPad 是一个为期两周的暑期项目,我们会向你介绍一些令人兴奋的方法,工程师和计算机科学家可以让世界变得更美好. You’ll learn about computing and data science, how to make your cell phone control a robot, 以及如何检测和保持我们呼吸的空气和喝的水的清洁. Visit LAunchPad. More About LAunchPad.
  • Successful Transfer and Retention (STAR) 足彩外围网站的项目支持大学未来基金会(CFF)的工作,以确保更多反映加州多样性的学生能够完成学士学位. Through the STAR program, 我们期待着与社区学院建立工程和技术途径,并制定转学前和转学后的同伴指导计划, 从而提高机构能力,支持转学生在STEM领域取得成功. More About STAR

将学生团队置于行业环境中的项目, 他们将理论知识和实践技能结合起来,为客户发现的问题创造现实世界的解决方案. More About ECST Capstone.

一个最先进的工作空间,以激发和促进实践学习, collaboration, and innovation, with tools and spaces for student design projects. Visit the ECST Makerspace.


Provides the Dean of Engineering, Computer Science, 和技术支持,以帮助实施学院的战略计划.




In 2021, U.S. News & World Report ranked Cal State LA’s undergraduate engineering program in the top five for its category; in addition, 美国国家科学基金会最近(2017年)将足彩外围网站列为拉丁裔科学和工程博士的顶级供应商.D. 美国大陆所有授予本科和硕士学位的学院和大学的获得者. We are a powerful engine of social mobility.


ASEE bronze badge

The 美国工程教育多样性认可计划协会 (ASEE EDC) recognizes Cal State LA, College of ECST with the highest honor, Bronze Level status for significant, measurable progress in increasing diversity, inclusion, and degree attainment outcomes of their programs. Being among the nation’s leaders in inclusive excellence. 致力于为工程界代表性不足的群体提供支持, quantifiably analyzing and assessing composition, policies, culture, 气候与所有在工程领域未被充分代表的群体有关. 实施计划和倡议,加强K-12或社区大学的管道, reducing significant long-term growth barriers, 制定一个持续改进的行动计划.

Contact Us

Through the generosity of your donations, the College of Engineering, Computer Science, 科技能够影响我们学生的成绩. Together we continue to Commit to excellence. Engage in community.

Nancy Warter-Perez, Ph.D.

Nancy Warter-Perez, Ph.D.
College of Engineering, Computer Science, and Technology
(323) 343-4500
[email protected]

Kevin Doody

Kevin Doody
Director of Development, 
College of Engineering, Computer Science, and Technology
(323) 343-3071
[email protected]

College of Engineering, Computer Science, and Technology
5151 State University Dr., Building E&T
Los Angeles, CA  90032-8150

Phone (323) 343-4500 | Fax (323) 343-4555 | Email [email protected]