Syllabus Statement on Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging

A statement of diversity, equity, inclusion, 在你的教学大纲中加入归属感(DEIB)是在课堂上树立包容和尊重基调的好方法. Articulating your values regarding diversity, equity, inclusion, 归属感以及它们对您的教学理念的贡献传达了您支持来自不同背景的学生的成功和发展的承诺.  声明必须是个人的,并反映出教师的承诺,他们的目标是如何为学生创造一种包容的文化. The statement is a great way to welcome diverse perspectives, set communication standards of engagement, and honor students' backgrounds and experiences. DEIB教学大纲陈述也可以在整个学期中提及种族主义和其他形式的课堂压迫时有所帮助.


CETL provides additional resources on Inclusive Teaching Practices, such as the Inclusive Teaching Program and Syllabus Tools.



Practice Instrospection 写多样性陈述就像写教学哲学陈述一样,需要一个自我反思的过程. 教师在撰写陈述时可能会考虑自己的背景和观点,这些陈述将代表他们在课堂上的哲学和伦理观点.


Consider Disciplinary Context 每个学科在几十年和几个世纪的实践中都形成了惯例和假设. 这些惯例和假设通常会导致术语和共享词汇,这些术语和词汇最初对学生来说是不透明的. Instructors might consider how students with varying backgrounds could respond.

Integrate Teaching Philosophy -在课堂上融入多样性通常是教师自身教学理念的延伸. 研究表明,学生通常对教学策略和理念的透明指示做出积极反应(Ambrose等)., 2010),因此教师可以考虑分享其课堂政策背后的原因.

Modeling Respect -教学大纲的设计和语气可以积极影响学生对教师的参与和感知. The diversity statement helps set an initial impression, 在整个学期中,教师应该通过对学生的个性化治疗来坚持哪些原则, facilitation of dialogue, and consistency in policies for grading, attendance, participation, and excuse.

Establish Expectations -教师可以使用多样性陈述来制定对学生行为的期望,并邀请学生成为建立和维护课堂气氛的积极主体.

Campus Resources -教师可以利用多样性陈述作为一个机会,引导学生了解促进和支持多样性倡议的校园资源. Cal State LA's Division of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion, and the Cross Cultural Centers provide additional resources, events, and support for the campus community.

DEIB Syllabus Statement Examples

Read the full statement in the Faculty Handbook.

Cal State LA, which historically provided access to students from minorized communities, has one of the most diverse student populations. In addition to access, 足彩外围网站的学生必须准备好过有思想和富有成效的生活,以建立一个公正的社会, 拥有丰富的文化和种族多样性,尊重个人和社会的价值观. To realize the promise of diversity, equity, and inclusive excellence in terms of race, ethnicity, gender, sexual/affectional orientation, class and disability, we commit to the pursuit ad practice of social justice. 我们努力建立一个尊重并融合文化多样性的课程和教学法, languages, and traditions that enhance students' critical, analytic, and creative skills and improve the quality of the educational experience.
我致力于在我的课堂上创造一个包容的环境,在这个环境中,各种各样的想法和价值观是受欢迎的,并且被认为是成功的必要条件. My class is a space for everyone to be "heard" and supported. I will occasionally reach out to get feedback on the classroom environment. Please inform me of your personal pronouns.

Yale University - Dr. Rona Ramos, Lecturer and Graduate Services Coordinator in Physics
"This class strives to be an inclusive community, 从来自不同背景和信仰的许多角度学习. As a community, we aim to be respectful to all. We reject all forms of prejudice and discrimination, including but not limited to those based on age, color, disability, gender, gender identity, gender expression, national origin, political affiliation, race, religion, sexual orientation, and veteran status. 教师和学生应该致力于创造一个有利于探究和自我表达的环境, 同时也要努力理解别人的观点与自己的不同之处."

“尊重多样性:我的目的是让来自不同背景和观点的学生都能通过这门课程得到很好的服务, that students' learning needs be addressed both in and out of class, 学生们带给这门课的多样性被视为一种资源, strength and benefit. 我的目的是展示尊重多样性的材料和活动:性别, sexuality, disability, age, socioeconomic status, ethnicity, race, and culture. Your suggestions are encouraged and appreciated. 请让我知道如何提高课程对你个人或其他学生或学生团体的有效性. In addition, if any of our class meetings conflict with your religious events, please let me know so that we can make arrangements for you."


The topics that we're covering in this class are often difficult, not just intellectually but emotionally. 虽然我希望在课堂讨论中有严谨的讨论,甚至有分歧, 我要求你们以关心和同情课堂上其他成员的态度参与讨论. Aim to disagree without becoming disagreeable. In this class, we will not shy away from the uncomfortable. 批判性地检查和评估我们最基本的假设和价值观不仅是哲学的任务之一,而且是过真实生活的重要活动. I urge you to have the courage to the uncomfortable in this class. In exchange for your courage, 我将努力确保一个课堂环境,支持你承担这些智力和情感上的风险.

Additional Resources

以下是来自各个学科的DEIB教学大纲陈述示例的额外资源, 以及可以进一步帮助构建你的陈述的其他指导性问题. 我们鼓励你看一看各种各样的例子,并创建一个最能反映你的价值观的个性化陈述, teaching philosophy, and the learning environment you aim to create for students in your classroom.