CETL Virtual Support Services

Virtual Support

CETL学术技术支持目前通过Zoom虚拟提供. 教师每次有最多20分钟的时间来回答他们的问题.  

Current Operating Hours

  • 星期一至四:上午十时至下午四时(下午四时接受最后提问)
  • 星期五:上午10:00至下午1:00(下午1:00接受最后提问)

点击这里进入“上门”虚拟支持室 during open hours.
There may be a brief wait when you enter the virtual support room.

E-mail Support

Have any questions/inquires for us? Please send an email to [email protected] 我们会让我们的技术支持专家联系你!

Current Email Operating Hours: Monday - Friday: 8:00 am - 5:00 pm

Phone Support

To access support by phone, please call:
(669) 900-6833
Meeting ID: 657-069-713 #
Participant ID: #

For questions regarding Canvas, please use our Drop In Virtual Support or send an email to [email protected] 

In-Person Support


Our dedicated team will be available every Tuesday and Wednesday from 10 AM to 1 PM at the CETL Annex in the Library Palmer Wing, Room 3074. 不需要预约,只要来访,我们的一位专家将随时为您服务.

We look forward to seeing you there!

CETL Virtual Support Services remains available, M-TH 10AM - 4PM, F 10AM - 1PM.

Instructional Designer Consultations

CETL提供有限数量的面对面咨询与CETL教学设计师. 此服务只接受预约(每次预约最多30分钟)。. To make your appointment go to: http://calendly.com/cetltech

FAQ's & More

If you are a returning lecturer without access, or if you are a BRAND NEW Cal State LA instructor, 请联系你的部门,看看他们是否可以帮助你激活(或重新激活)你的足彩外围网站网络账户.  如果画布课程外壳在学期开始前没有准备好,院系应该定期与学生沟通.

请与所属系确认课程安排. 这是为了确保没有更改课程或部门. 在您等待的同时,请考虑在画布沙盒中构建您的课程. 您可以请求一个新的沙盒来规划和构建您的课程 Canvas Special Shell request form.

Once you get access to your official course shell, 您可以将沙盒的内容转移到您的官方Canvas课程shell中. Consult the Importing and Migrating Courses page for more information.

NOTE: 沙盒应该只用于设计和构建课程的草稿. Please do not enroll students in your sandbox!

Please see the 从另一个画布课程复制内容的画布指南 有关将课程内容从一个Canvas shell复制到另一个Canvas shell的说明.

是的:每个教练都有一个额外的画布课程,叫做沙盒. 当您登录到Canvas时,请在仪表板上查找它. 沙盒通常用于探索和实验画布. You can request an additional Sandbox using the Canvas Special Shell request form.

之后,您可以将沙盒的内容转移到您的实时秋季课程中. Consult the Importing and Migrating Courses page for more information.

Please see the 发布和取消发布模块的画布指南 有关向学生提供内容的信息, 并确保模块中的每个活动也已发布.

Please see the Setting Up Your Course 页面获取更多足彩外围网站使您的Canvas课程可见的信息.

如果这两个部分是正式交叉列出的,那么你可以完成 Canvas Cross List request form to combine the sections.

NOTE: This form should only 如果您需要将大学的官方交叉列出的课程合并到一个课程壳中,则使用. Please note that due to FERPA regulations, 未正式交叉列出的课程,不在同一课时和教室位置的课程不能合并为元课程. Doing so is a violation of student privacy.

如果您需要在多个部分中包含相同的内容, 您现在可以轻松地将课程材料从一个课程复制到多个课程 copy content feature.

课程公告可以在课程发布后发送给每个单独课程的学生. Please see our Announcements page for more information.

Canvas成绩簿中的破折号(-)表示缺少提交,与零(0)不同。. Canvas不会将破折号(-)计算到学生的总成绩中. 如欲了解如何处理遗失的资料,请按 see our support page to ensure your student’s final grades are accurate.

我们能够延长课程访问为特定的学生,如果他们需要在一个不完整的工作. We will need the course name, number, and section, along with the term in which the course was taught, 以及完成未完成作业的学生的姓名. Please fill out our Canvas Incomplete Course Access request form with the required information.

是的,从2021年7月开始,这些时间是Canvas的计划维护窗口. 维护窗口:每月第一个和第三个星期四上午1点到3点(星期四上午8点到10点UTC)

Please see the Zoom guide on managing breakout rooms for more information.

Please see the Zoom guide on virtual backgrounds for more help and information.

Canvas将富内容编辑器更新为“新富内容编辑器”." Check out the latest Canvas News. Also, we have guides and a New Rich Content Editor FAQ page you can visit for more information.

Once you publish a quiz, you can give students (e.g.(需要OSD住宿的学生)额外的测试时间. Please see the 给学生额外时间做测验的画布指南 for more help and information.

使用画布公告通知您的学生任何时间表的变化,以实时缩放会议会议. Please see our Announcements page for more information.