Oral Histories and Microdocumentaries

Oral Histories & Microdocumentaries

我们的数字馆藏是公开访问的,由我们的实体档案馆藏的数字复制品组成. 这些收藏在不断增长,目前包括足彩外围网站的学生报纸, audio recordings, and photographs. In addition to digitized collections, 我们提供有关当前数字项目和倡议的信息,我们正在积极收集以及免费下载的缩放背景.

Oral Histories

Asian American Pacific Islander Oral History Collection

Our collaboration with Cal State LA's Asian/Asian American studies department began in the Fall of 2016. When Dr. Juily Phun’s class began recording its oral histories, 特别收藏和档案馆在后台准备收集这些故事,并为后代保存它们. As the project has grown, so has our involvement in it; each class attends a workshop held by Special Collections and Archives faculty and staff to learn about the transcription and indexing process. 通过利用学生对项目的观点和承诺的力量, 我们正在共同努力,以确保所有人都能获得这些故事.



Digital Testimonios

数字证言微纪录片项目突出了学生创作的微纪录片,将个性化的证言与口述历史访谈相结合,揭示了当地社区中未被充分代表的声音的生活经历. Emerging from Dr. Lani Cupchoy's courses in Chicana(o) Latina(o) Studies and History, 该项目向非电影专业的学生介绍了纪录片的工艺——通过口述历史和公共历史讲述数字故事,并注意使用日常可用的技术将证词转化为引人注目和情感上吸引人的格式. 学生积极参与文化相关和社区响应教学法,在反故事传统的遗产中使叙事人性化.

Learn more about the Digital Testimonios Project


Pandemic Diaries

Covid19 Pandemic
Covid-19 Pandemic Diaries Project

The Project

The Cal State LA Pandemic Diaries Project, 由大学图书馆特别馆藏及档案馆主办, 旨在创建一个数字日记档案,捕捉2019冠状病毒病大流行期间校园社区的叙述和经历.

我们鼓励校园社区的成员记录他们的个人经历,并将他们的日记贡献给大学档案馆. 没有比现在更好的时间来记录你的经历了. As we endure the pandemic, we are experiencing a shift to online learning, working from home, social distancing, and self-quarantine. We are relying heavily on technology to communicate with one another, 从通过ZOOM参加讲座/会议到通过FaceTime与亲人交流.

你的数字日记将帮助我们更好地了解我们作为个人和集体社区是如何经历持续的危机的. These materials will be preserved in the University Archives, 为未来的研究人员提供这一历史事件的第一手资料. 记录和分享你的故事可以证明是治愈、赋权和团结的源泉.

How to Participate


  1. Instructions for creating your Diary
  2. Questions to help guide your self-interview
  3. Checklist of Submission Materials
  4. Deed of Gift – PLEASE SIGN


Your Pandemic Diary Should Include:

  • A Video or Audio Recording
    • 录制不超过1小时的音频或视频,分享你目前对2019冠状病毒病大流行对我们日常现实造成的变化和破坏的感受.
    • 我们在项目包中提供了问题和信息图表,帮助您开始.
  • A Transcript
    • 为了帮助我们存档你的故事,请创建你的自我采访的文字记录. We recommend downloading a free app called Otter.
    • After recording, 将您的音频/视频文件上传到应用程序,它将为您转录录音. 您可以将成绩单导出为文本文档,并在提交时上传. Please note we may contact you to verify some details.
  • A signed Deed of Gift 
    • 您的大流行日记将被捐赠给特别收藏和档案馆用于研究. 请签署并提交此特定项目的捐赠契约,以确定您的捐赠. 

The following file formats will be accepted:

  • Video and/or recording (MP3, MP4),
  • Transcript (.txt, .doc, .docx)
  • The total file size limit for your submission is 1 GB


A Note about Personal Health Information:

The nature of this diary may be sensitive. 您可以随意分享任何您认为可以分享的信息,但请记住,这些信息可能会按照上述方式进行存档和共享. However, 请注意不要透露任何足彩外围网站足彩外围网站的其他学生或员工的个人身份或健康信息-这包括可能允许第三方识别该人的信息.


Download a printable copy of the Project Packet featuring these instructions.

Covid-19 Infographic
Covid-19 Infographic

Questions about Your Submission?


我们欢迎与教师合作,在COVID-19大流行期间纳入与校园社区相关的社区项目和/或课堂作业. 如果你有兴趣使用流行病日记项目来帮助捕捉学生的经历, download and review the Faculty Submission Guidelines.

Questions about Pandemic Diary class assignments? 请发电子邮件给档案管理员和特别收藏馆员杜鹃花·卡马乔 [email protected]


足彩外围网站图书馆特别收藏和档案是兴奋地呈现 20/20经验:COVID-19对加州州立大学洛杉矶校园社区的影响, a student-curated online exhibition featuring the Pandemic Diaries Project. 该项目旨在创建一个数字日记档案,记录2020年2019冠状病毒病大流行期间我们校园社区的叙述和生活经历.

本次展览的重点是COVID-19大流行对足彩外围网站学生团体的影响. It showcases a timeline of past health crises on campus from the University Times, artifacts of current events in the greater Los Angeles community, and direct quotes from students enrolled in Spring and Fall 2020. Core topics include the shifting expectations of virtual education, racial and social inequality, economic impact and job loss, mental and physical health, and changes in family dynamics. The 20/20 Experience concludes with examples of student resilience, projects documenting COVID-19 at Cal State LA from various angles, and resources regarding the virus itself.

We hope that by sharing our collective stories in this exhibit, Cal State LA can experience an important moment of healing, empowerment, and unity at a time when we feel distant from one another.

Donate Your Oral History

Special Collections正在为那些有兴趣收集和向档案馆捐赠口述历史的人设计提交指南和流程. In the meantime, please email us about your proposed projects at [email protected].

Be sure to review our Oral History LibGuide for more information about starting an oral history project.