
The 残疾学生办公室 provides reasonable academic accommodations based on disability for eligible students under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADAA) of 1990.  



“如果你有残疾,需要帮助, 请到残疾学生办公室登记. The OSD office is in the Student Services Building 1320 和 can be reached at 323-343-3140. 如果你想讨论你的住宿需求, 请给我发邮件预约.” 


教师 members are responsible for ensuring that all course materials are accessible to all students. 教师 members are encouraged to learn how to create accessible materials by utilizing the resources 和 assistance provided by 它的可访问性.  ITS 和 OSD recommend the following to ensure that students are equipped prior to the start of the semester. 

  • 尽快完成教材订购.  
  • 确保 教学材料 是否以可访问的格式创建. ATI can assist faculty with captioning 和 strategies for orally describing visual media. 
  • 审核培训指南和其他ATI辅助资源. 

教职员参观 新 F无障碍页面 获取更多有关无障碍的信息和培训机会. 



The student will initiate a 教师 Notification of Academic Support Services email to you through our OSD Online Portal. This email verifies that the student is qualified to receive accommodations 和 what types of accommodations the student will need.  教师 that have questions regarding the accommodations are encouraged to discuss them directly with the student; in the event questions remain, 教师应联系OSD 3233-343-3140以进一步澄清.  

教师 are under no obligation to provide accommodations to students who do not have verification of accommodations from the OSD office. Direct that student to the OSD office so that a Disability Management Specialist 和 the student, 在一起, 能否透过互动程序决定是否有资格获得支援服务.  


在住宿过程中,各方都必须保密. OSD不能提供有关学生残疾的具体信息. It is important that faculty members maintain confidentiality 和 do not discuss a student's disability or accommodation request with other faculty or students, 包括课堂上的任何讨论. 

虽然有些学生可能更愿意透露他们残疾的性质, 许多人选择对自己的残疾保密.  


By law, students have the right not to share any information about the nature of their disability. As long as a student has presented you with their Notification of Academic Support Services from OSD, 您需要实现这些调整. 教师 who have questions about the implementation of accommodations listed on this document are encouraged to talk with the student 和 contact OSD if needed. 

然而,有些学生可能会选择与你分享残疾信息. 要支持并对信息保密. 不透露所提供的资料.  监听、验证并将它们提交给OSD. 

No. 学生 who have been verified for services have received written confirmation from OSD. 如果学生没有书面确认,没有注册, 请将他们转介到学生服务大楼的办公室, 1320. 如果你选择为学生提供合理的住宿, 你可以自行决定这样做, 然而, 我们鼓励办公室为住宿提供便利.

Yes, but our office has a cutoff of week 13, being the latest they can request accommodations. 学生迟交作业的原因可能有很多. 也许这个学生不能更早地得到他们残疾的证明文件, 和, 因此, 不能早点安排住宿吗.  然而,住宿不具有追溯力. 如有疑问,请咨询OSD. 

教师 should underst和 that while they are required to provide reasonable accommodations to students with disabilities, they are not required to tolerate behavior that is substantially disruptive to their ability to teach 和 to other students' ability to learn. 教师 are expected to hold all students, including those registered with the OSD, to the same 行为准则. 如有需要,欢迎教职员向OSD咨询. 如果学生的破坏性行为无法控制,请联系 大学警察局 寻求即时援助. 教师也可以通过联系 教务长 提供额外的非紧急支助. 

An interpreter's role is to facilitate communication between signed 和 spoken languages. 口译员在所有口头的东西上签字,在所有签字的东西上发声. 


  • Provide the interpreter(s) with a copy of the course syllabus 和/or other print materials for review 和 to follow as the class progresses. 
  • 为解释器提供一个位置.  
    • 聋哑学生需要有一条视线可以看到教授或讲师, 或ppt演示, 口译员. 
  • 直接和聋哑学生说话,而不是翻译. 例如,你可以说:“你有家庭作业吗?而不是“这个学生有家庭作业吗??" 
  • 在一对一的互动中,直接接触尤为重要, 对于聋人来说,直接的目光接触并不总是可能的, 因为聋哑学生需要看着翻译.
  • 重复其他学生的问题.  
    • 这将使口译员确保他/她不会错过问题. 
  • 当有视听演示时, allow the Deaf student time to follow along with the presentation; the student will need time to look at the instructor, 以及看看正在展示的东西. 如果可能的话, provide a copy of the visual presentation to the Deaf student before the presentation. 
  • 在你说话之前,给聋哑学生足够的时间阅读书面材料.  
    • 聋哑学生通过视觉来接收信息. 如果你在他们阅读的时候说话, they cannot watch the interpreter 和 read simultaneously. 
  • 为口译员提供良好的照明.  
    • 如果在讲课过程中你需要把房间调暗来看幻灯片, 录像带, 电影, 或管理费用, 辅助照明是必要的,以便聋人能看到翻译. 如果找不到小灯或聚光灯, 检查室内灯光是否可以调暗, or a door or window shade can be opened to provide enough light to see the interpreter. 

车, 也被称为通信访问实时翻译, is a speech-to-text service that uses a professional captioner to provide a text format for auditory. The captioner will use the audio from the microphone to capture all spoken information 和 type in near-real time so that the student can read the lecture or class discussion on their laptop. 


  • Provide the service provider with a copy of the course syllabus 和/or other print materials for review 和 to follow as the class progresses. 
  • 在开始上课的时候, the service provider 和 the individual using 车 will work with you to figure out the best positioning for each, 确保有效和舒适的沟通. 
  • 直接与失聪或有听力障碍的学生交谈,而不是与服务提供者交谈. 例如,你可以说:“你有什么想补充的吗??而不是“他/她有什么要补充的吗??" 
  • 直接的目光接触. 而直接接触在一对一的互动中尤为重要, direct eye contact on the part of the Deaf or hard-of-hearing individual is not always possible, 聋人或听力障碍者需要观看字幕屏幕. 
  • 说话时尽量面向全班同学. Some Deaf 和 hard-of-hearing students prefer to follow a lecture through lipreading 和 use 车 as a backup when they cannot underst和. 
  • 确保聋人或听障学生的参与. 记住,服务提供商就在说话人后面几句话. 因此, allow time for the Deaf or hard-of-hearing student to obtain all the information 和 ask questions. 
  • 如果可能的话, provide "advance copies" of the visual presentation to the deaf or hard-of-hearing student prior to the presentation. 
  • Give the Deaf or hard-of-hearing student sufficient time to read any written materials before you speak. 聋哑和听力障碍的学生以视觉方式接收信息. 如果你在他们阅读的时候说话, 他们将无法同时观看字幕屏幕和阅读.