学生座谈会 on 研究、奖学金和创造性活动

Student Sympoium on 研究、奖学金和创造性活动

The 学生座谈会 on 研究、奖学金和创造性活动 will be held on the 加州大学洛杉矶分校 campus on March 8, 2024.

The Symposium is open to currently enrolled undergraduate and graduate students involved in scholarly research or creative activities, 包括学期项目和独立学习努力. Participants can either deliver a 10-minute oral presentation or exhibit a poster. 请参阅下面的研讨会详细信息了解更多信息.

Gamma Epsilon Chapter will present a Phi Kappa Phi Award to the first-, 第二, 第三名得主, with the top 10 presentations representing 加州大学洛杉矶分校 在 upcoming 38th CSU Student Research Competition.

查看 2024年学生研讨会计划 为当天的活动.


Four students presentes showing excitement about their work

2024年2月2日,星期五,晚上11:59.m. 太平洋标准时间


  • 演讲者必须上传一个 摘要审批页面表格 网上申请.
  • 学生 who plan to present research involving human subjects must have IRB approval for the research being presented.
  • 学生 who are conducting research involving animals must have IACUC approval for the research being presented.

If selected as a 加州大学洛杉矶分校 Delegate to the CSU Competition, 你将被要求提交一份研究摘要.


所有的主持人 must submit a maximum 200-word, one-paragraph research abstract. 由于选拔过程的竞争性, 摘要应该是为普通读者写的. Do not re-use abstracts or write 在 same style as you might use for abstracts written for and submitted to niche technical conferences or disciplinary society meetings.



•学生姓名(姓名),粗体,12字. font
•展示标题,斜体,10字. font
•教师导师,定期,10人. font

• 10-pt. font


Applicants must use AdobeSign to obtain 教师 Mentor signature and upload the provided approval page as a PDF. 





  • Currently enrolled 加州大学洛杉矶分校 undergraduate or graduate students
  • Recent 加州大学洛杉矶分校 graduates who received their degrees 在 previous year's spring, 夏天, 或者秋季学期

All students engaged in rigorous research, scholarly, or creative activity may participate.  类项目或同等项目, 项目提案, and projects that have not yet collected data are recommended to be presented as posters.

学生 may participate 在 University Symposium in two ways – by delivering a 10-minute oral presentation or by exhibiting a poster presentation. The subsequent statewide competition is limited to oral presentations.  Please note that poster presentations can be interpreted in ways appropriate for documenting the discipline, 比如录像、音乐录音和幻灯片, 还有海报. Previous winners have come from a cross-section of departments representing all seven colleges.


  • 行为与社会科学
  • 生物与农业科学
  • 商业、经济和公共管理
  • 创意艺术与设计
  • 教育
  • 工程与计算机科学
  • 健康、营养和临床科学
  • 人文与文学
  • 物理与数学科学


Online applications can be accessed through the following steps:

  1. Cal State Los Angeles Applications and Competitions for Grant 资金.
  2. 单击右上角的Login. 
  3. 点击 蓝色按钮 上面写着"加州LA登录,并使用足彩外围网站的证书登录.
  4. 在顶部菜单上,单击 日历 选项卡. 
  5. 在右侧点击"列表视图“找到应用程序.
  6. 填写申请表格.


邀请来自各个学科的演讲. 这九个类别是:

  • 行为与社会科学
  • 生物与农业科学
  • 商业、经济和公共管理
  • 创意艺术与设计
  • 教育
  • 工程与计算机科学
  • 健康、营养和临床科学
  • 人文与文学
  • 物理与数学科学

每位参加者只限 一个演讲 随着 铅的主持人.
The steering committee reserves the right to combine or subdivide the categories above, 将参赛者从一个类别转移到另一个类别, 或者将演示文稿移动到海报会议.


Student oral presenters will deliver their talks before an audience and a jury. 他们将按学科类别进行比赛. Each student will be allotted 10 minutes for the presentation and three minutes to respond to juror and audience questions. 视听设备的标准形式(如.g.(PowerPoint程序和投影仪). Entrants 在 创意艺术与设计 category may present an audio and/or visual record of a performance they have given or a work they have created; their oral presentation should focus on the rationale and historical context underlying their interpretation of the material.  

类项目或同等项目, 项目提案, and projects that have not yet collected data are recommended to be presented as posters.

学生 will be judged both on their oral presentations 和ir written abstracts using the following criteria:

  • 明确的目的
  • 方法的适当性
  • 结果解释
  • 研究或创造性活动的价值
  • Ability of the presenter to articulate the research or creative activity
  • 所呈现材料的组织
  • Presenter’s ability to handle questions from jury and audience

Judges will select at least one outstanding presenter in each discipline category. The overall top 10 presentations will be selected to compete 在 statewide competition during the spring semester. In addition, the Gamma Epsilon Chapter of Phi Kappa Phi will bestow three presenters with an award.

Student poster presenters will set up their posters on the 3½’ x 5’ poster boards and easels provided for their use.  至少, one author must be stationed alongside the poster during the assigned time to respond to inquiries from judges and other viewers.  Any additional equipment requiring an electrical outlet must be arranged in advance.   Judges will select one outstanding poster in each discipline category.

学生 will be judged on the poster 和ir responses to questions using the following criteria:

  • 海报上材料的易读性
  • 海报的组织
  • 充足的背景资料
  • 陈述的目标和/或假设
  • 方法的适当性
  • 结果的明确性
  • 陈述总结和/或结论
  • 对该领域的贡献
  • 有效和引人入胜的演讲
  • Presenter’s ability to handle questions from judges and audience













Our panel of judges will present the Gamma Epsilon Chapter of Phi Kappa Phi Awards for first, 第二个, 第三名.
前10名的演讲将代表 加州大学洛杉矶分校 科罗拉多州立大学年度学生研究竞赛.



The annual event brings together scholars from the 23 CSU campuses. The competition showcases undergraduate and graduate research, 奖学金, and creative works by recognizing outstanding student accomplishments. 学生 who compete 在 CSU Student Research Competition can win $500 for first place and $250 for 第二个 place recognition 在ir session.