
Support for Student Travel (SUST) is a reimbursement program designed to encourage and assist NSS undergraduate students. NSS encourages undergraduate students to gain knowledge and experience by presenting professional academic conference papers, 海报及简报, 所有这些都可能包括在加州和州外的旅行.

学生 funded through SUST can receive partial reimbursement of costs for travel, 住宿, and conference registration in support of their professional academic conference papers, 海报及简报 . 有论文的学生将被优先考虑, 面板, 圆桌会议, 海报, 或在会议上被接受的陈述. 个人追求不符合资助条件. Travel prohibited by the government, law, and/or the University are not eligible for funding. 所有有关收据提交、旅行等的国家规定.,必须遵循.

学生 must follow policies and procedures as indicated below for arranging travel and securing reimbursement. Travel money will be allocated according to the availability of funds and priority of travel. 由于该基金的可用资金有限, the amount allocated to individual students will not necessarily cover all expenses, and students may need to find additional sources of funds to augment the funds available through this fund. If the actual trip expenses are less than what were noted in the proposal, 然后这个奖励将被调整为实际成本. 学生 cannot be reimbursed for expenses beyond the budget allotment without approval from Dean. All awards are for reimbursements, travel advances are not available from this fund.


  1. Applicants must be presenters and/or authors of an oral or 海报 presentation or on a 面板 or 圆桌会议, 在一个地区, 国家, 或国际学术会议, as indicated by an official communication indicating acceptance into the conference.
  2. Priority will be given to applicants who have not previously been awarded SUST within the same academic year.
  3. Priority will be given to applicants who do not have access to other funds through 加州大学洛杉矶分校 appropriate to support their presentation.
  4. No more than two (2) authors of a co-authored paper will be eligible to receive funding. No more than seven (7) applicants will be funded per conference to allow funding opportunities for all disciplines. 每个会议的奖项将在第一次获得, 根据完整的申请,先到先得.
  5. Applications without a completed form and all necessary attachments and supporting documentation will not be considered. 必要的文件包括学术申请表, 会议接受的摘要, 宗旨声明, 推荐信, 接受验证/通知, 及预算预算.
  6. Applicant must be registered as a student at 加州大学洛杉矶分校 to be eligible for these funds.


  1. SUST will not cover the cost of travel already completed before a formal request for travel is approved by the Dean’s Office.
  2. SUST will not cover the cost of food if the trip is not longer than 24 hours, 但会支付一日游的交通费. Maximum hotel rates and plane fares as determined by the University will apply.
  3. Applicants will be notified via their 加州大学洛杉矶分校 email of the Dean’s decision.
  4. 奖励将在所有资金用完之前进行.
  5. Hotel reimbursement will only cover a percentage of 2 nights regardless of length of stay. Maximum hotel rates and airfares as determined by the University will apply.
  6. 奖励可能无法支付全部旅行费用.


持续进行,直到所有资金分配完毕. 然而, 这笔钱将分成两半, and half of the funds will be distributed in Fall Semester and half of the funds will be distributed in Spring Semester, so as not to disadvantage students receiving acceptance notices later during the school year. All approved funding requests must be reimbursed before the end of the fiscal year for which they are awarded. 


NSS Dean’s Office requires that the following procedures must be followed for ALL travel in-state or outside of the State of California. 这是大学出于保险目的所要求的. 没有例外!


All required forms can be found on NSS College’s Website and make an appointment with 部门援助协调员.

  1. Request for Travel Form - Requires applicant’s demographic information and trip destination.
  2. Breakdown of Expenses Form - Estimated cost of travel including conference registration and related expenses.
  3. Vendor Data Record – Needs to be completed if student has never won an award through the NSS Dean’s Office.
  4. When Purchasing - Please note that Business Financial Services will not reimburse the applicant if receipts are not in the applicant’s name. Please do not purchase anything for another applicant or ask anyone to purchase anything for you as doing so will disqualify you from receiving reimbursement.

All forms must be completed in the office at least 10 business days prior to travel.


All required forms can be found on NSS College’s Website and make an appointment with

  1. 差旅费报销 -按日期分类的费用. 此表格必须在会议结束后30天内提交.
  2. 收据 - Official vendor receipts (not invoices or booking confirmations) are required for all covered travel expenses. 收据必须显示付款已被接受. Airfare request must have a flight itinerary as well as payment receipt. Hotel reimbursement will only cover a percentage of 2 nights regardless of length of stay.
  3. University rate caps apply to all refund requests, including hotel expenses, airfare expenses, etc.
  4. 会议计划 - A copy of the front of the program and copy of the published abstract required.


请联系 你的 department coordinator for more information on reimbursement procedures and forms.
