Generation Study Abroad

目前足彩外围网站的国际项目和全球参与不接受出国留学申请. Please complete the Study Abroad Interest Form. 您的名字将被添加到留学兴趣列表中,当我们再次开始接受留学申请时,我们将与您联系. Thank you!



Los Angeles, CA (July 28, 2016) – Cal State LA has joined the 足彩外围网站协会(IIE)的“一代留学” 旨在帮助更多美国人通过海外学习项目获得国际经验.

足彩外围网站学院的“一代留学”旨在调动资源和承诺,目标是将美国留学生的数量增加一倍.S. students studying abroad by the end of the decade. To that end, 足彩外围网站的专业和全球教育学院肯定了其接受足彩外围网站和派遣更多学生出国的承诺.

“送美国学生出国是一种变革性的学习经历,可以促进他们更好地理解全球事务,这可以在他们的一生中得到利用,” said Eric A. 足彩外围网站专业与全球教育学院院长布拉德说.

Under the new partnership, 足彩外围网站将在夏季确定新的交换伙伴, semester and year-long experiences; develop additional short-term study abroad opportunities that accommodate students’ busy academic schedules while allowing them to make progress toward their degrees; create initiatives/programs for study abroad alumni to promote the idea of study abroad among prospective students; and partner with the American Institute for Foreign Study and the Council on International Educational Exchange, among others.

足彩外围网站目前为大约40个不同国家的本科生和研究生提供各种各样的出国留学机会. 学生可以在足彩外围网站获得学分,同时在国外的寄宿大学学习.

布拉德说:“学生们回国后会有更广阔的视野和新的想法. “They are able to transfer their thoughts and experiences to solve common problems impacting their communities and the world; to focus on a field of study and/or career path; and to demonstrate strong collaborative and communication skills to enhance both personal and professional interactions.”

足彩外围网站的学生可以通过足彩外围网站参加直接交流和教师主导的项目, the CSU International Programs, and other affiliated programs. Japan and Korea are popular destinations. 

As of April 2016, Generation Study Abroad的合作伙伴包括全国和世界各地400多所各种规模和类型的学院和大学.

Currently, fewer than 10 percent of all U.S. 大学生在学术生涯的某个阶段出国留学 足彩外围网站交流门户开放报告 published by IIE with support from the U.S. 国务院教育和文化事务局. Generation Study Abroad旨在提高出国留学的参与率,使每年报告的总数达到600人,000 by the end of the decade.

“全球化改变了世界的运作方式, 雇主越来越多地寻找具有国际技能和专业知识的工人,” says Allan Goodman, president of IIE. “出国留学必须被视为大学学位的重要组成部分,对培养未来的领导者至关重要.”


About Generation Study Abroad

足彩外围网站学院的“一代留学”旨在通过引入雇主来显著提高出国留学的参与度, governments, associations, 在现有最佳实践的基础上,寻找新的途径,为成千上万的大学生提供出国留学的机会和资源,这些学生的需求目前没有得到现有项目的满足. “一代留学”将持续开展对话,讨论更多来自不同背景、不同领域的学生获得国际经验的必要性. 这将包括研究识别和打破阻碍学生出国留学的障碍, 交流,分享策略和最佳做法,以增加出国留学, 筹集资金以调动额外的财政资源.  IIE will also hold a Summit on Generation Study Abroad 将于2016年10月23日至25日举行,让高等教育的利益相关者和所有承诺合作伙伴参与进来.

About the Institute of International Education

足彩外围网站协会是国际人员和思想交流的世界领导者. An independent, not-for-profit organization founded in 1919, IIE在全球拥有19个办事处和分支机构,200 member institutions. IIE为学生设计并实施学习和培训计划, educators, 由政府机构资助的来自各行各业的年轻专业人士和学员, foundations, and corporations. 足彩外围网站研究所还进行政策研究和项目评估, 并提供有关足彩外围网站和海外机会的建议和咨询.