Explore Career Paths

在大学里,你获得的技能可以应用于各种各样的职业. You develop career readiness skills and skills related to your major. 下面的资源可以帮助你探索职业道路和专业.

Career Exploration

如果你不确定哪些工作与你的专业相关, 下面的资源可以帮助你获得有关职业可能性的信息.

  • What Can I Do with My Major? -这个网站是查看相关领域的一个很好的起点, job titles, workplaces, 以及与学术专业相关的专业组织. 学术专业与一般专业名称一起列出,并不是所有专业都列出. 找到最符合你兴趣的专业.
  • Career Video Interviews - These video interviews from working professionals explain how their job relates to their major. Search by a major to see what's possible. 学术专业与一般专业名称一起列出,并不是所有专业都列出. 找到最符合你兴趣的专业. 你也可以根据你感兴趣的行业进行搜索. An industry describes the activity of the company and includes people with different occupations who work for the same type of business. 
  • 按专业分类的职位空缺:足彩外围网站握手 -当你注册这个大学生求职网站的时候, 你可以按专业搜索当前的职位空缺. 你也可以按行业搜索职位空缺, 公司或组织从事哪种类型的业务活动.
  • Education Level and Projected Job Openings - The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) can show you which jobs require a degree and are expected to have the most openings for new entrants.


  • Options by Job Family —作业族是基于执行的工作的一组作业, skills, education, training, and credentials. 选择你感兴趣的工作类型来查找相关的职位名称.
  • Options by Industry - An industry is a broad group of businesses or organizations with similar activities, products or services. Select the type of activity, product, or service that interests you to find related job titles.
  • Federal Occupations by Major -搜索这个列表的学术专业和匹配的联邦职位.
  • California State Occupations by Industry - Search this list of jobs in the State of California by industry/job family of interest. 行业/作业族是基于所执行的工作的一组作业, skills, and education required.
  • Guides to Job Options -这些工作指南包括排名靠前的职业和足彩外围网站.

你可以通过各种各样的兴趣来了解雇主. Use these resources to help your research.


  • Employers by Major - Search this list of employers in California who have hired college graduates with the major. 学术性专业以一般专业名称列出,并不是所有专业都列出. 找到最符合你兴趣的专业.
  • Business Finder by Industry - Search this list of industries by location to find employers near you who perform a business activity of interest.
  • Corporate Scorecard -搜索这个索引,找到符合你职业价值观的公司. For more support, read these Ten Ways to Research Company Culture.
  • Guides to Job Options - Research these guides to learn about key careers and industries by job activities of interest.

Freelance or Independent Contract Work


  • Entrepreneurship -浏览本网页,学习开办企业的基本知识. 企业家是企业主而不是雇员. Entrepreneurs can provide a product or service in practically any career field imaginable. Learn more with this 创业入门短期课程.
  • 这取决于你经营的业务类型, there may be federal, state, 或者当地对专业执照的要求. To help you determine the type of education and licenses needed for your business goals, visit the State of California professional licensure guide.

If you would like to know the starting salary for a job or major, use these resources.

  • CSU Explore Graduate Earnings Data - The California State University system provides data on the salary earnings of students who graduated. Select Los Angeles to view the salary outcomes by major of graduates from Cal State LA.
  • Key Indicators Post-Grad Outcomes - The WASC Senior College and University Commission provides data on post-grad outcomes. 输入California State University-Los Angeles,点击它,然后GO. 然后,单击Post-Grad Outcomes,查看收入结果.
  • Job Future Caster -选择一个你感兴趣的职业类别/工作系列. 然后,选择一个你感兴趣的特定职业/职位. 你也可以按州和地区的都会区来查找.
  • The College Payoff -基于不同学位水平的工人的终身收入(例如.g., bachelors, masters). 根据你感兴趣的领域(包括本科专业)筛选数据, occupational field, industry, state, etc.

如果你仍然不确定你应该学习哪个专业, you can assess your work interests, values, skills, and personality to identify job options and determine which majors lead to that job.

Focus2Career -使用这个自我指导的职业评估软件来评估你的工作兴趣, values, skills, personality, and leisure interests. Then, combine the results to find job options that match all or some of your qualities. 选择你感兴趣的工作选项,看看哪些专业适合这份工作. 你也可以通过工作类别来搜索工作选择. A job family is a group of jobs based on the work performed, skills, and education required. (Use Access Code: EAGLESLA)


Career Planning

现在你对自己的职业目标有了一个想法, 你已经准备好制定一个行动计划来实现它们. Use these resources to get started.

To learn more about a job and major, 与业内人士交谈是很有帮助的. Professionals are eager to give back and help students explore careers in a career conversation.

What is a career conversation?

It is a meeting between you and a professional where you ask questions to learn more about a job of interest. 为了更好地理解什么是职业对话, you can watch videos with professionals who talk about how they got into their career and what they do in their job. Watch Career Conversation Videos by Major.

What should I ask?

Review Career Conversation Questions (讲义)集思广益,向专业人士提出问题.


  • Cal State LA Handshake -当你注册这个免费的大学生求职软件时, 你可以查看雇主的个人资料,并向他们发送联系信息. You can also attend employer events to build relationships with working professionals in a job title or company of interest.
  • Cal State LA Alumni Mentoring Program - The Alumni Association provides a career mentoring program where you can connect with alumni who would like to give back by helping you with career exploration, development and goal setting.
  • LinkedIn - LinkedIn is an online social networking site for working professionals and college students. 您可以查看工作专业人士的个人资料,并向他们发送联系信息. Use the resources below to get started.

专业品牌是雇主如何看待你的专业和职业. It reflects who you are as a professional. You demonstrate your professional identity in your classroom assignments and campus activities. These experiences are included in your college résumé, job applications, and job interviews. 利用这些资源开始探索和建立你的专业品牌.

Who am I as a professional?

Get started with how to 在大学培养你的职业认同 (presentation) to determine how your lived experiences and community cultural wealth align with your career readiness skills. 

What is my professional brand?

Use our Professional Brand Template (讲义)开始在你的专业中创造你的专业品牌. Then, use our Review Rubric (讲义)看看如何继续提升你的品牌.

How can I build my professional brand?

Once you have explored career pathways and the level of education needed to achieve your career goals, 你已经准备好做出继续学业的决定了. The resources below provide general guidance for pursuing graduate and professional school pathways.

  • Resources for Applying to Graduate School -足彩外围网站在上述网站链接中提供指南和资源. Students applying to graduate school should schedule appointments with faculty mentors or faculty advisors with any discipline-specific questions. 教师顾问和导师可以帮助修改研究生院的陈述. Peer tutors in the Center for Academic Success 是否也提供学术和一般写作协助. You and your writing tutor can brainstorm, organize, 回顾一下个人陈述或目的陈述. The Graduate Resource Center occasionally provides workshops such as choosing the right graduate program and writing a statement of purpose or personal statement.
  • 人文社会科学探索:ImaginePhD - ImaginePhD Is a free career exploration and planning tool for the humanities and social sciences.
  • 自然与应用科学探索:MyIDP - MyIDP (or Individual Development Plan) is a free tool for science PhDs and graduate students to explore career possibilities and find the career path that fits you best.

Additional Support

Career advisors, students and campus mascot Eddie smile while at a booth outside the Career Center

职业顾问可通过个人预约. We can help you explore your career options and create action plans to help you gain experience. 和职业顾问约个时间.

我们全年提供研讨会,帮助您确定您的专业品牌, connect with professionals to explore career options and create action plan to help you gain experience. 在就业中心的日程表上报名参加研讨会.

Part of choosing a career path includes knowing about workplace culture and what opportunities are available with your degree. 雇主会举办活动,让你了解更多的可能性. 使用加州州立大学洛杉矶握手注册雇主活动.