Economics Seminar Series

The speaker series brings economists from the department and academic institutions across the region to discuss their research on the Cal State LA campus.




Marco Del Angel (Cal State LA) "Outsourcing Child Labor" Zoom Session, October 13, 2020

Marcelle Chauvet (UC Riverside) "Real-Time Indicator of Weekly Inflation with a Mixed-Frequency Unobserved Component Model with Stochastic Volatility" March 3, 2020

阿曼Ullah (UC Riverside) "A Journey in 搜索 of the Unknown 'True' Model: Data-Based Nonparametric Econometrics and Empirical Economics" 11月7日, 2019 

邓长 (CSU Long Beach) "Traffic-Related Air Pollution and Infant Health: Income Heterogeneity and Residential Sorting" Sept. 16, 2019

Efrem Castelnuovo (University of Melbourne) "Uncertainty, Real Activity, and Risk Aversion in Booms and Busts" February 18, 2019

Priya Ranjan (UC, Irvine) "Labor Market Regulations in the Context of Structural Transformation" March 15, 2018

李泰威 (UC, Riverside) "Double Boosting GMM for High Dimensional IV Regression Models" April 3, 2018

Jang-Ting Guo (UC, Riverside) "Progressive Taxation and Macroeconomic (In)stability" April 24, 2018

Giacomo Pasini (Ca’ Foscari University of Venice, Italy) "When You Need It or When I Die? Timing of Monetary Transfers from Parents to Children" October 31, 2017

Paulina Oliva (UC Irvine) "Mortality and Air Pollution: The Role of Business Cycles" May 4, 2017

乔尔·大卫 (USC) "Capital Misallocation: Frictions or Distortions" April 4, 2017

陵气 (CSULB) "Health Insurance and Young Adults' Avoidable Hospitalizations: Evidence from the Affordable Care Act  Dependent Coverage Mandate" March 20, 2017

Devika Hazra (CSULA) "Impact of Monetary and Fiscal Policy on Heterogeneous Labor under Limited Participation" November 29, 2016 

Matthew Harding (UC Irvine) "Deep Autoencoder for Pattern Identification in High Dimensional Consumer Purchase Data" with Xa Yue November 14, 2016 
Kelsey J O'Connor (USC) "Happier People are Less Likely to be Unemployed: Evidence from Longitudinal Data in the US and Germany" September 27, 2016 
David Neumark (UC Irvine) "Is it Harder for Older Workers to Find Jobs? New and Improved Evidence from a Field Experiment" January 11, 2016

Antonio Rodriguez-Lopez (UC Irvine) "Liquidity and International Trade" November 16, 2015

Leah Platt Boustan (UCLA) “Cultural Assimilation during the Age of Mass Migration” May 7, 2015
卡罗尔·崔 (CSULA) “Jobless Recovery and Sectoral Skill-Biased Structural Change” February 17, 2015
Anne Fitzpatrick (Michigan) “Do Informed Consumers Reduce the Price and Prevalence of Counterfeit Drugs? Evidence from the Antimalarial Market” (job seminar) January 23, 2015
Xiaohan Zhang (UC Davis) “Children of The Mortality Revolution–Infectious Diseases and Long Run Outcomes” (job seminar) January 22, 2015
Tadeja Gracner (UC Berkeley) “Bittersweet: How Prices of Sugar-Rich Foods Contribute to the Diet-Related Disease Epidemic in Mexico” (job seminar) January 20, 2015
Gabriela Best (CSU Fullerton) “In What Sense is Monetary Policy Forward Looking?” October 6, 2014
Sherif Khalifa (CSU Fullerton) “Learning by Doing and Unemployment Dynamics” May 5, 2014
Joanne Song (SUNY Buffalo) “Unemployment Duration in the Great Recession: Effects of Employment Protection Laws” April 3, 2014

阿曼Ullah (UC Riverside) "A Journey in 搜索 of the Unknown "True" Model: Data-Based Nonparametric Econometrics and Empirical Economics" Dean's Conference Room, 3:00 to 4:20pm, 11月7日, 2019