Course Modality/Curriculum Retreat Information Session

This website is designed to gather all relevant information and resources related to online course and 程序 development ranging from faculty training, developing online courses/程序s, curriculum 审批流程, 和WSCUC标准. 


的 Provost’s Office will support each department in holding a faculty retreat to assess the pedagogical appropriateness of face-to-face, 混合动力, and online modalities for the department’s course offerings. 的 academic department has an opportunity to reflect on which courses (and 程序s) are most effectively offered face-to-face, 混合动力, 或在线. 的 department will complete a course mode matrix in which each course is assessed for appropriate modalities. For those courses in which 混合动力 and/或在线 are determined to be appropriate modalities, the department will 不e whether curriculum approval for those modes has been obtained, or plan to submit via curriculog for approval.  的 department will also record which faculty have successfully completed previous training and developed online courses --and then plan for future development of identified courses. Though the OCDP is 不 designed for 混合动力 courses, Colleges may explore other ways to support 混合动力 course development as well.

教师 from participating departments will attend one of the in-person information sessions offered this Spring 2023.  的se sessions will be held virtually from 9 am-12 pm.  Your Associate Dean can provide your department faculty with the zoom link.   

  • 2月17日
  • 3月17日 
  • 4月14日

的 preparatory session will cover the following topics: 

  • Assessing appropriate course modality for courses (CETL)
  • Online 程序 development opportunities (PaGE)
  • Curriculum 审批流程es 和时间 for 混合动力/online courses (UGS)
  • Using tools and data to assess equity data in course outcomes (IE, College equity coordinators)

Following this information session, departments will choose one of several Fridays during the semester to schedule department retreats to discuss and complete the course mode matrix.  


Curriculog is a system for submitting, reviewing, and approving curricular proposals.  它是 a course or 程序 development tool.  Curriculog is 不 a good place to build new courses or 程序s from scratch, especially when significant input is sought from other members of the department or campus community.  Before beginning the proposal in Curriculog, the following should have been completed or near completion:

  • Relevant Course proposals (modification or new)
  • 课程的映射
  • 评估矩阵
  • Road Maps (two- and four-year for undergrad, one- or two-year for grad)
  • Department-level discussions and informal consultation.

请浏览 本科阶段的学习 page on Resources for Graduate and Undergraduate Curriculum for information on the curriculum calendar, 审批流程, 和时间.

Note: CETL offers self-paced online workshops for departments on creating measurable student learning outcomes. 请 接触CETL if you wish to take advantage of this support.

CETL's Online Course Development Program

Online Course Development Program (OCDP) supports the development of fully online, Quality Matters peer-reviewed courses. Creating a fully online course is a complex and time-intensive project, but one that can yield many benefits for an academic department and its students. Determining which courses in a 程序 should be taught online, 混合动力, or face-to-face (F2F) takes consideration and planning. 请 refer to the Center for Effective Teaching and Learning (CETL) Planning Worksheet for variables that can affect the decision to offer a course (or 程序) online.

College Deans shall nominate courses that have an approved course modification to the 程序.  Deans shall also name faculty associated with the courses to be designed, including secondary designers if a team approach is desired.

的 University is offering three flexible options instructors can choose from; however, the College should be consulted as to which option it supports. Deans shall ask their faculty to select one of the following options:

  • Option 1: CETL’s Online Course Development Program + QM Preparatory Review
  • Option 2: Quality Matters Improving Your Online Course (IYOC) workshop  + QM Preparatory Review
  • Option 3: Direct to Quality Matters Preparatory Review

For more information about the Online Course Development 程序, please visit CETL’s Online Course Development Program page for further details.

All options in OCDP require the designed course to pass QM preparatory review. Once the full course has been built in Canvas, the course is submitted for QM preparatory review. A QM-trained master peer reviewer who is a subject matter expert in the course or discipline will review your course, 应用质量管理标准, and provide feedback and recommendations on how well the course meets QM rubric standards. If the course does 不 initially pass QM preparatory review, the instructor may make modifications based on reviewer feedback to meet QM standards. 请参阅 QM Preparatory Review 时间轴 了解更多信息. 

将会授课的教员, 但不是设计, an online course should be encouraged to participate in CETL’s Teaching with Technology Pathway的一部分。 T.E.A.C.H项目.

From developing an online course to receiving approval, the process takes approximately fourteen weeks. 的 质量管理准备评审时间表 说明了步骤.

WSCUC Distance Education Program

As Departments begin to consider a long-term transition to or an introduction to distance education, WSCUC offers this summary.  WSCUC, based on new federal guidelines for distance education, requires approval of all 程序s where 50% or more of the required courses are approved f或在线 modality, regardless of when or if online courses are offered.  As long as they are approved as a modality, they are considered part of the 50% or more benchmark for requiring approval from WSCUC.  To offer a 程序 meeting this threshold on a permanent basis, approval through the WSCUC Substantive Change procedures must be obtained.  

WSCUC provided clarification regarding the differences between temporary remote instruction, for which WSCUC is providing an attestation process to allow pandemic-driven continuation of remote instruction, 并得到充分授权, ongoing distance education 程序s for which institutions need to go through the regular Substantive Change review process at WSCUC.

Remote instruction is considered a temporary teaching modality that has been adapted to meet the emergency needs of the institution due to the COVID-19 pandemic or a不her unexpected situation. While remote instruction is occurring, institutions are expected to continue to meet accreditation standards by adopting practices designed to ensure equitable student access and support, achievement of learning objectives, and pedagogical support for faculty.

For additional information, please reach out to the Office of Graduate Studies at 323-343-3820 or contact 卡琳·艾略特·布朗, Associate Vice President and Dean.

College of Professional and Global Education (PaGE)

的 College of Professional and Global Education (PaGE) is the university’s continuing education, self-support college that provides affordable, practical and lifelong educational pathways, preparing individuals and organizations of diverse backgrounds and interests to serve and succeed in their local and global communities. PaGE and its partners offer degree, 证书, and non-credit 程序s on the main and Downtown Los Angeles (DTLA) campuses.  A majority of PaGE students are non-traditional adult learners who work full-time but seek to advance their careers through the flexible, high-quality educational 程序s PaGE offers throughout the year.  Distance education (fully online) degree and 证书 程序s are particularly attractive to current and prospective PaGE students and thus, 需求量很大

For faculty considering developing a distance education 程序 through PaGE (beyond those offered on the stateside), the initial step is to consult first with your department chair and college dean.

  • When considering developing courses or other educational offerings through PaGE, recognize first your home college goals and objectives so they are aligned. 
  • 的 development and scheduling of online courses and other related faculty work must be based on student, 程序, 以及制度需求. 
  • Although there are opportunities to teach or develop new 程序s in PaGE, these must first be discussed with and approved by your department chair and College dean. Coordination between 教师, PaGE, and your home college is essential.
  • If your department chair and college dean approve your request to develop a new 程序 with PaGE, then you may contact the Dean of PaGE, Dr. Harkmore李, at (323) 343-4907 or by 电子邮件 to schedule an initial consultation. 
  • For more information about the College of PaGE and its 程序s, please visit the 页面的网站.