学生的观点, 特许教育学院, 加州州立大学, Los Angeles







“我是第一代大学生, completing my final year in the Masters in Rehabilitation Counseling program. I am a fortunate recipient of a CCOE scholarship. 
Without the financial support that the scholarships have provided for myself and many students, 我们将无法继续我们的教育. 足彩外围网站的学生要应付很多事情. 在CCOE,我亲眼看到了这一点. 我们有工作的学生, 来学校, all while staying involved in activities and organizations. 学生 are driven by their love to help and serve in our college. Scholarships help us keep it up and keep it going.”




“I was honored to receive a scholarship from the Friends of the 特许教育学院. I thank you for these unanticipated opportunities and for all of your support. It has been instrumental as I continue to approach the work of improving myself as a teacher with passion, 奉献, commitment to the arts and with the time for reflection that these pursuits deserve.” 






几年前, I transferred into the Credential Program at the 特许教育学院 (CCOE) at 加州大学洛杉矶分校 after finishing my bachelor's degree at a private school. I had some negative assumptions about the fact that it was a state school, 但是在完成这个项目之后, I am inspired to become an advocate for all public education institutions in our state.


来自这个项目的教员, I was equipped for reflective practice and holistic classroom management, which was an important part of my student teaching experience. 写作实验室项目, co-developed by the CCOE and Alhambra High School, 给了我积极的经验. Not only did I have the opportunity to work with high school students, but I also had a place to put the teaching strategies I had learned at the CCOE into practice before jumping full speed into the classroom.


I am very grateful for both the theoretical and practical framework I was given throughout my two years at the school. I feel ready to pursue the next step of becoming a public school educator.





Parisa Lamarra

Parisa Lamarra earned her credential at the 特许教育学院 (CCOE) Visual Impairment Credential Program. She now serves as a teacher for the visually impaired for the Los Angeles County Office of Education, and teaches as an adjunct at the CCOE at 加州大学洛杉矶分校.


I have two children, a son, who is twelve years old, and a daughter who is nine. Both of my children were born with a rare genetic condition which caused them to be severely visually impaired. Prior to that, I’d never met a blind person before. I knew nothing about the condition or what to do for my children. 我在挣扎. 那段时间真的很难熬. Parisa Lamarra的照片

Then a visual impairment teacher came to our house to work with my daughter. I found myself asking the teacher about herself and how she got into her profession. She told me about the credential program at the CCOE. 那是那种"啊哈"的时刻. I realized then that it was my duty to go to school and learn to teach the visually impaired, not just so I would be better able to work with my own children, but also to give back to this community that had really saved us! That very day, I reached out to the director of the program and started the ball rolling.

It took me two and a half years to complete my credential. 我已经在一个不相关的领域获得了硕士学位, 但我可以说, getting this credential this was the best educational experience in my life. I learned more during my time in the credential program than I learned in all of my previous years in education. 

The experience of being in the program was both educational and cathartic for me personally. 我变得更自在了. I learned things in class that I could directly relate to my own home but also in my future teaching experiences. 太神奇了. 在参加了这个项目之后, experiencing things such as being blindfolded for a day and other things so that I could better relate, I felt very prepared to go out and work with students who had visual impairment. 

I am honored to be able to teach the visually impaired. I feel as if I have come full circle in my life – I had children who were blind, and now I get to teach in the very program which game me my start. 



I have two children, a son, who is twelve years old, and a daughter who is nine. Both of my children were born with a rare genetic condition which caused them to be severely visually impaired. Prior to that, I’d never met a blind person before. I knew nothing about the condition or what to do for my children. 我在挣扎. 那段时间真的很难熬. 苏西·斯捷潘尼安摄
I was in the Urban Learning Program (ULRN) at the 特许教育学院 (CCOE). It has been an educational experience that I cherish. The curriculum is transformative and progressive. What I learned opened my mind to the vast world of non-traditional teaching.   

In the program, I found that my professors were genuine, caring and inspiring. They served as role models and mentors to me and my peers. Any difficulty I faced was met with support from my professors, 辅导员, 还有行政人员. 

I am proud of my decision to enroll in the ULRN program at 加州大学洛杉矶分校. I always recommend this program to aspiring teachers.