课程用户帮助指南 & Training

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用户可以在课程流程工作流中拥有多个角色. 理解这一点很重要 你的角色和责任. 指南会告诉你在课程上可以做什么,不可以做什么.

(last update:2023.01.31)

Q: 我应该使用哪一份建议书表格?

A: 请选择提案类型并点击以下链接: 

Q: 如何撤回/删除建议书?

A: 提案可以通过以下任何一个步骤撤回, Department Chair, 学院初步评审, 和学院副院长. 

  • The decision maker of these steps submit a cancellation request to the system administrator by select [CANCEL] on the decision tab.
  • 在批准取消请求后, the person who submitted the request will need to go in the proposal to cancel and delete it.

Q: 在什么情况下,建议需要取消?

A:  When: 

  • 它从一个错误的形式开始;
  • it was unlaunched, and is sitting under the [My Proposals] tab for a past process cycle
  • the populated data were alternated before launching (at completion of Area A) 
  • 它未完成和/或比预期的流程时间晚
  • 缺少相应的建议(例如:交叉列出课程);
  • 这是一个重复的提案; 
  • 发生意外技术问题;
  • 应部门、学院或系统管理员的要求 

Q: In order to prepare my proposal, how do I look up course /program curriculum data ahead of time?

A: Forms 3A and 3B allow you to gather course data or program curriculum on Curriculog to prepare your proposal for discussion within your department prior to officially submit an actual proposal. 如果您对使用表格3A或3B有疑问, 联系你所在学院的课程分析员寻求帮助.

Q: 哪些提案表格必须导入课程数据? Can I copy and paste information from an archived proposal to the new proposal?

A: 除了新课程和新项目提案表, all the modification forms require the import of data to ensure your proposal is loaded with the most current data.

课程模型由80多个字段组成, import data to a proposal takes about 2 minutes without the risk of using outdated information.

Q: 如果我在发射前修改了填充数据会怎么样?

A: 追踪会被打乱. 你的建议无论在任何阶段都将被拒绝. You will prepare to cancel the proposal, restart a new form, and spend 2 minutes importing data. 不要试图绕过. If you are not sure, seek assistance from 你们学院的课程分析员.

Q: 我找不到我之前创建的提案,我可以创建一个副本吗?

A: 转到“我的提案”选项卡,你会在那里找到你的提案.  For the same process cycle, only ONE proposal for the same course (or the same program) is allowed. If you have created multiple proposals for the same course, you must decide which one to keep. 课程不结合提案.

Q: My proposal missed the timeline to reach the EPC step for the final decision. 我可以在下一个课程周期循环使用它吗? 我不想从头再来.

A: 未完成的提案不能回收. 合同的有效期限不得更改, 并且将字段映射为要导出到即将到来的目录. In addition, new fields may be added as per the CO’s request; or some fields may get obsoleted/replaced for the new cycle.

Q: 在新的周期开始之前,我能看一下新的表格吗?

A: 每年春季学期开始新的学习周期. UGS posts PDFs of the new forms on the UGS website around Thanksgiving week for faculty preview. 请查看“提案模板”部分.

Q: 为什么我做决定后不能修改我的提案? 

A: 做决定是让你的建议远离你的步伐. 一旦提案离开了你的步骤,你就完成了提案.  The reviewer of the current step may do the edits upon your written request, 或者拒绝(退回)给您编辑. 

Q: I have other questions that are not answered here, where should I reach out

A: 如果是课程问题, you need to reach out to your Department Chair and/or the Associate Dean of your College. 如果你有课程方面的问题. 你第一个要找的人是 你们学院的课程分析员. To resolve a technical issue, a troubleshooting support ticket may be required.  Please refer to the 提交故障排除支持单 tab below for directions.

Once 您已登录 Curriculog,您将看到的第一个屏幕是 My Dashboard.

The dashboard serves as your gateway to Curriculog and allows you to manage your proposals and see recent notifications and upcoming events at a glance. Getting familiar with the icons helps to understand the functionalities of the proposal forms and the proposal status.

The Walk Me Thru 教程位于我的仪表板的右下角. 



  • Login to Curriculog
  • Tap on Walk Me Thru 调出菜单. 要关闭菜单,请按菜单右上方的X选项卡. (参考上图)
  •  Select either the Help tab




  • Enter one of these keywords in the searching window to pull up related topics to the keyword: 
    • Self-Training,
    • Proposals,
    • Agendas
  • or, Scroll down the scroll bar to look for topics that you are interested in




  • 面向所有用户的主题
    • 发送足彩外围网站提案的信息(视频)
    • 用户账号模块(视频)
    • 运行报告(引导气泡)
    • 报告模块(视频)
  • 发起人主题
    • 创建新提案(引导气泡)
    • 编辑提案(引导气泡)
    • 前瞻性课程(视频)
    • 审查提案编辑/跟踪更改(引导气泡)
    • 将提案添加到您的观看列表(视频)
  • 审稿人主题
    • 对议程的决定(引导泡沫)
    • 提供对提案的决定并输入评论(视频)
  • 议程管理员的主题
    • 创建和管理议程(视频)


(last update:2023.01.31)

  • 强烈建议发起者遵循内置的帮助指南 Walk Me Thru.  请参阅上面的标签.
  • Open 网络研讨会和私人培训课程 都是可用的. 请参阅本页下面的课程培训工作坊标签.


  • Check out 您将使用哪种提案表格.
  • Tap on the [+ New Proposal] button. 选择建议类型: Courses, Programs, or Others (non-Curriculum项目)
  • 选择您需要的提案表格.
  • 到你选择的最右边, hover over an icon to preview the form and make sure your selection is correct. 确认后,点击复选标记开始提案. Note: at this point, you may import the data into your proposal by keying in a prefix or course code, or using a keyword of a program title to pull up a list of selections for preview. 一旦您的选择得到确认,点击构建建议按钮. 加载数据大约需要1分钟.
  • 一旦提案公开, 请按照A区的简单说明操作 and complete Area A.  Notes 对于课程修改和删除发起者:现在运行影响报告. 在你进一步行动之前,你必须通知受影响的部门. 上传影响报告和提案的沟通. 
  • Save your work. Check the accuracy of the workflow (to the right of your proposal), and make corrections as needed. 验证区域A中的条目后,点击 验证和启动 button. Notes: 在启动提案之前,永远不要进入区域B或任何其他地方. 一定要阅读并遵循提案中的说明.


  • If you used a wrong form -请取消这个提议. 请参阅下面的FAQ部分.
  • If you alter populated data BEFORE you launch the proposal -请取消这个提议 and re-start on a new form. 
  • 如果课程是或将是 交叉上市过程 - please hold for the counter-part course proposal for co-current submission.
  • 您启动的提案列在 [My Proposals] tab.
  • 有待你作出决定的建议列于 [My Tasks] tab.
  • 缺少工作流时间轴? Check with your department and your Associate Dean for permission before you move on.

(last update:2023.11.17)

这一部分是为 Chairs, 学院副院长, and the 大学课程分析员.


  • The 课程角色和职责 guide specifies what you can and cannot do as an Agenda Administrator on Curriculog.
  • 对于每次委员会会议,你应该: 
  1. 让整个过程对校园透明
  2. 为每次委员会会议执行以下任务:
    • create an agenda, 列出议程(见下文), 并在议程上提出审查和决定的建议; 
    • make sure at least 50% of the committee members opened the proposals (the grey bubble next to the name turned white if opened). 鼓励成员投票,但他们是否无所事事取决于他们自己.
    • on the committee step, make the final decision on behalf of the committee;  
    • always archive (close) the old agenda before creating a new one for the next meeting. You will not be able to move the unfinished business to the new agenda until the old one is not archived.


在线教程 Walk Me Thru 可下载的 quick references 会是你履行职责的资源吗.


  • 请参考本页上面的Walk Me through选项卡来访问教程. 
  • 在搜索窗口中输入“Agenda”.




一旦发布和/或存档,议程标题就不能更改. It could be too much of a hassle to look for your agenda among the other hundreds of agendas on Curriculog. 唯一的方法就是按照下面的方法来安排你的日程 议程命名约定 (in CAPS).



(last update:2023.01.31)

Your Role

  • When a proposal reaches your step, pending your decision, it appears under the My Tasks tab.
  • 您需要审查这些提案,提出意见并投票.  单凭你的决定并不能改变这个提议. 议程管理员根据委员会的决定移动提案.
  • If you are on multiple committees or you have multiple roles on Curriculog, use the Advanced Filter 整理提案. 选择你的委员会 Current Step Name 拉动各自的提案.
Advanced Filter


  • 将鼠标悬停在您选择查看的提案上. Click and open it. 
  • If you received a notification of the agenda, you can pull the organized proposals from the agenda.  点击通知中的链接. 查看议程并选择一个提案.




  1. Bulk approval - when you don’t enter any comments on the proposals, select those you want to approve.  
  1. 在提案内投票 -何时打开提案进行审查并提出意见.


(last update:2023.02.28)

Your 大学课程分析员 is the first go-to person when you have any general curriculum or Curriculog questions and issues, 例如:单点登录用户帐号, 设置通知首选项, 将访问级别更改为课程日志,  更新委员会成员身份, GE粉单咨询流程, 创建提案的访问权限, 不确定使用哪个提案模板, 运行影响报告, 上传提案附件, 检查提案状态, 在计划提案中添加新课程, 修改程序模式, 在课程上创建一个议程, 查阅课程资料, 调出存档提案, and etc. 

如果问题是技术性的, 例如重复的用户帐户, 不能对一项建议作出决定或评论, 提案在工作流程上卡住了, 偶然提出了一个建议, 你必须提交一份 课程和故障排除支持 ticket.  请记得注明你的全名和部门. We need to verify the level of your access with your Chair and/or the 大学课程分析员. 



All curriculum modifications or updates on the 大学目录 or on GET are processed on Curriculog, 课程管理系统. 在你做提案之前, you are encouraged to join training workshop(s) if you are not a frequent user of Curriculog. 

Open Webinars

  • 现场训练每次大约20到30分钟.
  • 培训时间表张贴在课程日志下面 Upcoming Events.
  • 无须注册. 加入任何选定的网络研讨会 Zoom (http://calstatela.zoom.us/j/3939120379,会议ID: 393 912 0379,密码:7373).


  • 私人团体培训,无论是在线还是亲自,都可以提供. 请将您的请求发送到 你们学院的课程分析员.
  • 最少3人一组.  参与者可以是来自多个部门的群组.
  • 每节课约45-60分钟. 最多可以同时安排两个会议.
  • Here is 推荐主题列表 面向各方面用户.




