
网上收费可以通过以下方式进行 Transact这是一个用于支付学费和其他费用的在线系统.

Welcome. The objective of the Graduation Office is to provide quality and timely service to students, 处理和授予学位的教职员工. Its staff is dedicated in maintaining the academic integrity of the University by complying with academic and administrative policies. 毕业办公室, 和学生一起, staff and faculty is part of a team that will offer solutions in resolving student problems as they pertain to graduation. 毕业办公室 will be an active participant in the technological advances that focus on improving student services.

Graduate & 博士学位:
Spring Semester
October 15
November 15
Summer Term
February 1
February 15
Fall Semester
March 1
June 15
September 1
September 15
Students will not be able to register beyond the expected graduation term.
A $25 late filing fee is collected in addition to the $20 application and $10 diploma fees ($55 total)
when a 毕业申请 是否在相应的截止日期后提交.


The 毕业申请 is used by the student to notify the university that they are ready to complete their degree program. 该学位课程是学位(e)的结合.g. 文学士、理学士等.)、大调和小调. All coursework for the degree program must be completed prior to the award date (end of graduation term). The student’s record may not be altered following the awarding of the degree so it is critical that the 毕业申请 在归档时要准确.

A 毕业申请 申请过一次学位吗. The student pays a $20 application and $10 diploma fee ($30 total) at the time of filing. Once the 毕业申请 已归档,可能会更新(e.g. 变换专业、专业、专业等.) by using the 申请更改毕业学期 表格和支付25美元的逾期申请费.

  1. Review your 学术要求 在GET中报告 Student Center 确保您符合以下要求:
    • 至少修满90个学期学分
    • 获得最低平均绩点(GPA)至少2.在下列各项中,每项都有000英镑:
      • 所有大学工作尝试(包括转学工作)
      • 足彩外围网站的所有课程
      • 所有通识教育课程
      • 所有专业必修课程
    • 必须通过入学考试才能对申请进行审核
    • On track to complete all graduation requirements by end of declared term
  2. Complete the 毕业申请
  3. Using your 学术要求 报告,列出所有未完成的毕业要求 学位完成工作表 attached to the 毕业申请. This must include all courses you still need to complete as well as any course substitutions or other exceptions that need department approval.
  4. Make a graduation advising appointment with your major department(s) or college(s). 带上你填妥的 毕业申请 and 学位完成工作表 去赴约. 学术顾问将审阅 毕业申请 and 学位完成工作表. If your plan appears reasonable given the outstanding requirements and the graduation term you have selected, then the advisor will sign the form indicating you have completed the consultation. 指导老师的签字不保证毕业. It simply affirms that you have proposed a reasonable plan to achieve degree completion by the end of the declared term.
  5. Pay the Application fee ($20), 文凭费($10), and, if required, 25美元的逾期申请费.

    Due to the Coronavirus (COVID-19) situation our office is not on campus to handle requests.

    网上收费可以通过以下方式进行 Transact这是一个用于支付学费和其他费用的在线系统.
  6. 给毕业办公室发邮件 付款收据及文件副本.

    1. The Transact payment confirmation email showing payment of the Application fee ($20), 文凭费($10), and, if required, 25美元的逾期申请费
    2. The appropriate supporting documentation (毕业申请, graduation term update form)


  • For Dual Degrees (BS & BA, BS & MS, etc.):
    • 你必须提交1份 毕业申请 and 1 学位完成工作表 per degree. 一站式金融服务 will collect the required fees: $20 for the application and $20 for the diplomas.
      • 这种类型的奖励获得2个文凭
  • For Dual Majors (BS & BS, BA & BA, etc.):
    • 你必须提交1份 毕业申请 and 2 学位完成工作表 (1 per major). 一站式金融服务 will collect the required fees: $20 application fee and $10 diploma fee.
      • 两个专业都会出现在一张文凭上.

The 毕业申请 is used by the student to notify the university that they are ready to complete their degree program. All coursework for the degree program must be completed prior to the award date (end of graduation term). The student’s record may not be altered following the awarding of the degree so it is critical that the 毕业申请 在归档时要准确.

A 毕业申请 申请过一次学位吗. The student pays a $20 application and $10 diploma fee ($30 total) at the time of filing. Once the 毕业申请 是否已归档,可能会更新(e.g. 改变学期、专业、选择等.) by using the 申请更改毕业学期 表格和支付25美元的逾期申请费.

  1. Review your 学术要求 在GET中报告 Student Center 确保您符合以下要求:
    • Only international graduate students who graduate from universities where English is NOT the primary language of instruction must pass the Writing Proficiency UNIV 4000 or UNIV 4010 within their first 12 units. For further information, please contact the University Testing Center at 323-343-3160.
    • On track to complete all graduation requirements by end of declared term
    • 必须通过入学考试才能对申请进行审核.
  2. Complete the 毕业申请.
  3. Using your 学术要求 报告,列出所有未完成的毕业要求 optional 学位完成工作表 attached to the 毕业申请. This must include all courses you still need to complete as well as any course substitutions or other exceptions that need department approval.
  4. Pay the Application fee ($20), 文凭费($10), and, if required, 25美元的逾期申请费.

    Due to the Coronavirus (COVID-19) situation our office is not on campus to handle requests.

    网上收费可以通过以下方式进行 Transact这是一个用于支付学费和其他费用的在线系统.
  5. 给毕业办公室发邮件 付款收据及文件副本.
    1. The Transact payment confirmation email showing payment of the Application fee ($20), 文凭费($10), and, if required, 25美元的逾期申请费
    2. The appropriate supporting documentation (毕业申请, graduation term update form)

您可以查看您的 毕业申请 和你的剩余要求的细节 学术要求 report.

Checkout Status 简短的描述
Applied 毕业申请已被记录,但尚未审查.
In Review Request to Graduate was reviewed and graduation check has been completed.
Denied 那个学期被拒绝毕业.
Awarded 已授予学位.


如果您的结帐状态是 Applied, your 毕业申请 has been received and will be reviewed before the start of the declared term. 审核完成后,我们会给您发一封电子邮件. 当你收到这封邮件时,一定要检查你的 学术要求 报告以验证更新并审查任何剩余的需求. Keep your mailing address and e-mail address up-to-date so that important notices reach you!

In Review:

如果您的结帐状态是 In Review, your 毕业申请 has been reviewed and will be reviewed again after the grades are finalized at the end of the term. 如果你还没有,一定要检查你的 学术要求 report.


如果您的结帐状态是 Denied,评审结束时申报 预计毕业时间 determined that there are remaining degree requirement(s) that have not been met. 您的剩余需求在您的 学术要求 report. It is recommended that your work closely with your Academic Advisor.

Use the 申请更改毕业学期 form to update the anticipated graduation term you originally submitted on your 毕业申请 (限制). If needed, schedule an advising appointment to review and confirm a new anticipated graduation term.





如果您的结帐状态是 Awarded,祝贺你! Your degree information is now posted to your transcripts and your diploma will be mailed to your address in a few weeks.

如果你没有完成以下任何一项,你的学位将不会被授予 学术要求, including:

  • 在你宣布的毕业期限内完成所有学位要求:
    • 请检查您的剩余 学术要求 通过GET报告 Student Center.
  • Maintaining a 2.000 in all GPA categories:
    • 尝试大学工作(包括转学工作)
    • 足彩外围网站的课程,
    • GE courses
    • 专业必修课程.
  • 完成不完整职系
    • An Incomplete that is not removed before the degree is awarded will be charged as an 'F' in the grade point average calculations. 一旦你的学位被授予, all coursework leading up to the degree cannot be changed for any reason.
  • 其他院校成绩单
    • If official transcripts showing final grades are required from other institutions, 这些必须提交给招生办公室(sa101)。. 一定要跟进你的学术顾问. Course Substitutions require the approval of the academic department.

The minor filed will be noted on the student’s transcript and on the student's diploma if the individual program has been approved by the offering department/division/school and is completed at the same time as or prior to the work for the degree itself.

If the minor is not completed by the time the degree is completed it will be removed from the student’s record and 没有它,学位将被授予.

Awarding of the degree(s) will not be delayed to facilitate the completion of a minor. The student does not 需要提交 申请更改毕业学期 表格删除一个不完整的未成年人.

Cal State L.A. uses three designations of honors at graduation: Cum Laude, Magna Cum Laude and Summa Cum Laude. 2016年秋季生效, 有资格获得荣誉, an undergraduate student must have completed a minimum of 45 units in residence at Cal State L.A. and have attained the appropriate standing (in terms of cumulative grade point average earned at Cal State L.A.),详情如下:

  • Summa Cum Laude: GPA等于或大于 3.9
  • Magna Cum Laude: GPA等于或大于 3.75 but less than 3.9
  • Cum Laude: GPA等于或大于 3.5 but less than 3.75

All students attaining these minimum grade point averages will be awarded the corresponding honors upon conferral of degree.