

Communications Policy Statement

(Senate: 2/14/78; President: 2/23/78; Editorial Amendment:  9/00, 8/01, 9/03, 08)

1. 权威.

a. Sections 618 和 619 of the California Penal Code 和 section 19251 of the Government Code, 加利福尼亚州, 被引用为大学制定有关使用州时间政策的立法权威, 设施, 设备, 邮资, 和 supplies for the purpose of communication at California State University, 洛杉矶.

b. 财政政策委员会应向行政管理和服务主任推荐实施沟通政策的指导方针和程序.


第618节. Sealed letter addressed to another: opening or publishing. Opening or publishing sealed letters: Every person who willfully opens or 读s, 或引起阅读, any sealed letter not addressed to that person, without being authorized so to do, either by the writer of such letter or by the person to whom it is addressed, 每一个, without the like authority, publishes any of the contents of such letter, knowing the same to have been unlawfully opened, is guilty of a misdemeanor. (1872年颁布)

第619节. Telegraphic or telephonic message addressed to another; disclosure; punishment. Every person who willfully discloses the contents of a telegraphic or telephonic message, 或其任何部分, addressed to another person, without the permission of such person, unless directed so to do by the lawful order of a court, is punishable by imprisonment in the State prison not exceeding five years, or in the county jail not exceeding one year, or by fine not exceeding five thous和 dollars, or by both fine 和 imprisonment. (1872年颁布. 经修订的《足彩外围网站》. 1880, c. 66, p. 38岁的交会. 1; Stats. 1905, c. 528, p. 590年,证交会. 1.)

第19251节. A state officer or employee shall not engage in any employment, 活动, or enterprise which is clearly inconsistent, 不兼容的, 与…冲突, or inimical to his duties as a State officer or employee or with duties, 功能, or responsibilities of his appointing power or the agency by which he is employed.

Each appointing power shall determine, subject to the approval of the [State Personnel] board, 这些活动, for employees under his jurisdiction, 不一致, 不兼容的, or 与…冲突 their duties as state officers or employees. Consideration shall be given to employment, 活动 or enterprise which: (a) involves the use for private gain or advantage of State time, 设施, 设备, 和供应; . . .

2. 邮件服务政策.

a. 安全.

任何人不得打开, 读, or cause to 读 any piece of personally addressed correspondence, including intra-campus envelopes as well as sealed correspondence, without being authorized so to do, either by the writer of such correspondence or by the person to whom it is addressed, except as provided in section 2b(1).

大学不会在没有寄件人姓名或系/部/学院的寄出邮件上盖戳. 邮件服务主管有理由相信外发邮件可能与大学无关, as outlined in section 2d below, an attempt will be made to call the sender the same day. If the sender then verifies compliance with section 2d, the mail will be expedited with priority processing. If the sender is not available by phone, 邮件将被处理,邮件服务主管将通知发件人和支持服务总监这些问题. When outgoing mail is not identified by sender or department/division/school, 邮件服务主管只会为识别寄件人的目的而打开信件, 和 correspondence will be returned for proper compliance. If there remains any question as to content, the matter shall be deferred to the Director of Administrative Management 和 Services or designee.

b. 一般程序.

1. If large off-campus mailing is contemplated, 应尽快通知收发室,以保证有足够的邮资支付处理费用.

2. 挂号邮件前, 保险的邮件, 大部分邮件, or any other special service is prepared, 应联系收发室,以确保遵守管理大学邮寄这些物品的具体邮政规定.

3. 在系/科/学校层面,如邮件没有个别地址,须按学院或系/科/学校政策处理,并可由学院或系/科/学校人员处理.

4. 每个系/部/学校通常每月最多可收到25枚一级邮票,以提供非工作时间的邮寄服务. 申请邮票应直接向大学邮件室提出,并由系/分部主席或学校协调员或其他适当的管理员签名. 超过上述指引的印花申请须经支援事务处处长批准.

5. 业务回复信封或明信片的请求应在发行前发送给支持服务总监进行审查和批准. 该项批准可涉及根据第2d(2)条向提出要求的系/科/学校作出押记.

6. 使用标志许可证(大量邮寄)的请求应发送给支持服务总监进行审查和批准,以确保邮寄符合美国.S. Postal Service regulations governing the use of such permits. 根据第2d(2)条的规定,批准可能需要对要发送的材料进行审查或向提出请求的部门/分部/学校收取费用.

7. Except as authorized by the President of the University, 大学邮件设施不得用于宣传任何商业活动,包括那些明显有利于大学或大学社区成员的商业活动.

8. The use of University mail 设施 by recognized employee organizations, recognized professional organizations, 或认可的学生组织或俱乐部仅限于内部分配,并应报销.

9. Pre-metering of mail is not allowed.

10. In the event questions on the propriety of the use of University mail 设施 arise, 他们应提交有关学院院长或其他适当的管理人员解决, 或者他们指定的人.

c. Services Provided by the University 和 charges where applicable.

1. The University communications budget will provide 邮资 for the following:

  • 所有与本校教学及专业功能有关的函件.
  • 与本大学教职员研究职能有关的函件,第2d(2)条所述者除外.
  • All correspondence relating to administrative 功能 of this University.
  • Mailing of graduate theses to students.

2. The University will h和le the following types of mail, 其费用应由派遣部门/部门/学校或相关补助金或合同支付.:

  • Survey materials for student research.
  • Department/division/school magazines, brochures 和 newsletters.
  • Airmail parcels weighing in excess of one pound.
  • 特快专递.
  • Internal distribution of department/division/school newsletters.
  • Registered, certified or 保险的邮件.
  • Mailings for research supported by grants or contracts, which should be charged to the grant or contract.


3. The University will h和le the following types of mail, but will not provide 邮资:

  • 大学人员发给任何组织一般成员的主要涉及该组织业务的信函.
  • Term papers or examinations being returned to students.
  • 由大学人员或部门/部门/学校发出的任何形式的贺卡或派对邀请,但经校长批准履行第5章规定的社区关系职能的除外.
  • 代表已离职或休假员工寄送个人书籍或其他物品.

3. 电话服务政策.

a. 安全.

All telephone conversations are privileged 和 no one is allowed to monitor them by any means.

b. St和ards for Allocation of Instruments.

Telephones 和 accessory 设备 installation shall be governed by provisions of the State Administrative ManualUniversity Administrative Manual as interpreted by the Supervisor of Telephone Services. In the event of a dispute regarding the interpretation of these sources, 该事项应提交行政管理和事务主任解决. 如果确定所要求的服务或设备是上述手册所不允许的, 电话服务主管将通过以下方式协助部门/部门/学校申请对这些手册规定的例外:

  1. 就部门/部门/学校必须提供哪些资料向部门/部门/学校提供建议, 和
  2. preparing the request once the data have been obtained.

c. 使用标准.

Telephones are provided for use of university business. 大学院长或其指定人员或其他适当的管理人员应审查每月从其所在地区的电话拨打的表格,并对可能的滥用案件进行调查. The Supervisor of Telephone Services will assist as required. 如果存在虐待, 行政管理和服务主任应获授权酌情向实施滥用行为的个人追回资金.