


城市学习计划准备文化相关和可持续, transformative educators who seek to inspire wonder and critical consciousness in their students. 的 program and its faculty develop educators grounded in Culturally Relevant and Sustaining Pedagogies, 恢复实践, 作为情境练习的学习, 和变革, 社会公正教育. 



城市学习计划 is an undergraduate major for students wishing to earn a bachelor’s degree and teaching credential at the same time and to be prepared to teach in the diverse schools of urban Greater Los Angeles. Teaching in an urban environment we offer a fast-paced 4-year Integrated Teacher Education Program (ITEP):  entering freshman and transfer students earn a bachelor’s degree and either a

  • 多学科(基础教育)证书
  • 教育专员(特殊教育)证书
  • or both multiple subject and education specialist credentials (in an accelerated dual credential program).

城市学校需要准备充分、对文化敏感的教师.  学生 in the 城市学习 major learn to confront the stereotypes about urban schools and act on the urban environment's challenges to become agents of change.  我们的学生建立在城市社区的优势和优势.


  • 学生将在学术研究和写作中运用批判性分析. 
  • 学生 will design 学习 experiences and projects with urban schools and communities. 
  • 学生 will refine their foundational knowledge relevant to a contextual understanding of urban schools and communities. 
  • 学生将分析教学, 学习, 并通过文化相关的社区教育, 维持, 重新建立框架. 
  • 学生 will critically analyze how curricular and pedagogical processes meaningfully integrate the urban learners’ strengths, 包括他们的语言, 文化, 以及社区的认知方式.
  • 学生 will envision ways to re-imagine teaching and 学习 informed by anti-oppressive, 社会正义, 重新赋予方法论人性化.


新生 and transfer students are encouraged to declare a major in 城市学习 (ULRN) upon application to the university and to attend the 加州大学洛杉矶分校 Orientation program.  This will allow us to identify you as a ULRN student early and to provide the best possible advisement.


  • As 新生.  新生 complete a program of GE preparation under the supervision of the program before beginning the major course or study. 新生 should enroll in CCOE 1010 (Introduction to 加州大学洛杉矶分校 and the Charter College of Education, 3 units) to satisfy the 加州大学洛杉矶分校 Introduction to Higher Education requirement and seek advisement from ULRN at orientation or during their first semester of enrollment.  All freshman students will receive a plan of study toward satisfaction of their GE requirements.
  • As 初级转移 从社区大学毕业.  转学生必须至少有60个可转学分, 并在转学前申请GE或IGETC认证.  Transfer students must complete a short application and have their transcripts reviewed by the program coordinator prior to beginning their course of study, 并将参加CCOE 3010(大学成功和专业准备)课程, (2个单元)他们第一学期的出勤率. 

大一新生 and transfer students should apply to the ULRN program as soon as they decide to enter the major and have been admitted to 加州大学洛杉矶分校.  没有必要等到你在足彩外围网站注册.  的 earlier you apply the better advisement you will receive and the smoother your transition will be!


  • 填写一页申请表
  • 写一篇短文,描述你成为一名教师的原因
  • 审查他们的成绩单(仅限转学生)
  • 申请 清关证书

请与 ULRN 项目 (电子邮件保护) 安排预约申请参加课程.

加州教育法典第44340条 & 44341要求所有寻求获得加州证书的个人, 证书, 许可证, and waivers issued by the Commission on Teacher Credentialing receive fingerprint clearance from the California Department of Justice (DOJ) and the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) through the Commission. Individuals who have received fingerprint clearance through other California agencies, 雇主, 其他州, 或者政府机构也不能免于这一过程.  Certificates of Clearance issued on or after February 28, 2005, are valid for five years.  特许教育学院 requires all students entering the credential program or enrolling in courses that include fieldwork with students to hold a valid 清关证书 before they may register for these courses.

在城市学习计划中, 学生们在大三开始时被分配到一个队列中. 学生 are not considered officially enrolled in the program until they have applied to the program, 被安排在一个队列中, 并已注册CCOE 1010或CCOE 3010.


新生 entering 加州大学洛杉矶分校 should seek advisement early and often during their freshman year.  咨询可从耶稣Arellano在 (电子邮件保护) 布莱恩·卡斯蒂略 (电子邮件保护)安娜摩尔诺在 (电子邮件保护).  Advisement is available to 新生 as soon as they are admitted to 加州大学洛杉矶分校, 当他们还在上高中的时候. 

学生 majoring in 城市学习 and entering as 新生 will receive a 4-year program plan which will make their progress through the ULRN program easier and ensure they select the courses they need. 在他们的头两年, students entering as 新生 will complete a program of lower division general education (GE) coursework, 基本科目(ESM)豁免的课程作业, 低年级城市学习专业课程.  在他们最后的两年里, students are placed in a ULRN cohort and complete upper-division GE coursework, 余下的课程以获得ESM豁免, 教师准备课程作业和实地考察.










有关节目信息,请联系 (电子邮件保护)


有关咨询的问题,请联系耶稣Arellano (电子邮件保护) 或者是安娜摩尔诺 (电子邮件保护)


A principal goal of the 城市学习计划 is the development of students’ collaboration and teamwork skills. Each student in the 城市学习 major is assigned to a cohort at the beginning of the junior year. A ULRN cohort is a collegial group of students who take their coursework together while they work and study collaboratively.  每组由20-25名修读多学科的学生组成, 教育专家, 或者两者都有. 这群人是一个批判的学者, 社会, 以及贯穿整个学位课程的专业支持系统. 咨询可从布莱恩卡斯蒂略在 (电子邮件保护).


的 major program consists of 60 units of lower-division general education preparation, 主修135个单元, 以及与学生的学历选择相适应的选修课. 学生可以在课程中获得一到两个证书:

  • A 多科目证书, preparing the student to teach children grades K-8 in self-contained classrooms.  学生也可以在他们的证书中添加主题授权, 允许他们教授7-9年级的主题课程.
  • An 教育专员证书 prepares the student to teach children with disabilities ranging from birth to grade 12, 取决于他们选择的残疾选项.  学生可以从以下四个选项中选择:轻度至中度残疾, 严重残疾, 身体和健康损害, 以及视力障碍和失明.
  • 加速双证书计划 leads to a Multiple Subject and 教育专员证书 and prepares the candidate to address the 学习 abilities and needs of a broad range of students in inclusive settings. 


  • 教育学院指导中心

       国王大厅 D2078

       电话 (323)-343-4342


  • ULRN项目信息和查询


  • ULRN一般学术咨询

       布莱恩·卡斯蒂略 (康复中心和ULRN大一和大二的咨询)

       耶稣Arellano (康复中心及ULRN初级及高级辅导)